Isn't that a hoot?!
"...And then I stop and realise that most people do not want to hear that I have parasites, and that I know what they look like coz I checked my poo."
Right away quick others recoil...right?
And, as that silly video points out, WE are the ones who are cleansing. Those who recoil are NOT.
And, someone points out that all poo is almost solid bacteria, anyway.
So, I just carry on the conversation, though I haven't dropped a bombshell on those I have chosen to tell.
I figure that the more times people hear the the question, "Parasites?"...or the answer, "I'm parasite cleansing," the more likely it will be that they accept the concept...and think about themselves.
(The human brain is mighty quick, picks up other peoples experiences as their own, and files EVERYTHING in the sub-conscious. That's why 'the grapevine' is the most powerful, and fastest, advertising system mankind ever invented...and why peoples kids are near duplicates of themselves...until we choose to do differently.)
A word, matter-of-factly, here and there...without explanation until asked wonders...especially if future inquiries are met with quiet warmth and gentle understanding.
I mean, we have to share SOMETHING of what we are doing with SOMEONE, don't we?
"It's not catching," or, "I sterilize everything, daily," are reassuring comments (or, they may set your guests off, running).
Besides, everyone's immune systems have been working beautifully for years, else we'd have been goners decades ago.