Re: Isn't that a hoot?!
To be honest, I'm still to hung up on people thinking i'm a crack pot to tell everyone about what I get up to health wise. My family are great and well into all that, my dad doesn't give two hoots if people think he's nuts ;)
There are some people I can talk to about it, I have a friend studying herbal medicine and I introduced her to cleansing 6 months ago, thing is, I think you have to judge what level people are at and tell them that.
My boyfriend is a little bewildered by all the things i do :) and his sister asked what my humaworm caps were, i told her they were to kill parasites. She asked how i knew i had them, i just told her that everyone has parasites. I said if you've ever patted a horse, or kissed a dog, or eaten 'pink' or raw meat, you have parasites. And you worm your dogs regularly, right? Why not yourself?
And yes, i've been dying to tell people!! Good thing we've got Curezone hey?
Fingers crossed in 10 years time people will believe more in healing themselves and taking responsibility for their health. I am currently taking course in naturopathic nutrition and our lecturer who is an orthopaedic surgeon said the amount of people that come with the attitude that it is the doctor's problem to fix them is nearly all. Such a sad thing, as unless they're a caring one, why would they care if you get better or not?