Re: I feel like a Hilton Hotel Convention For Alien Life Forms Host.
I feel exactly the same way!!! How many can there be!?!
Until i checked pictures of what the critters look like, I just thought my digestion was terrible and I had copious amounts of undigested food coming through.
I read the 'tomato skin' post a few days ago and realised that I saw 'tomato skin' in the bowl, but hadn't eaten tomato for at least a week.
The ones with the wee legs, or sort of hairy front bit are the most gross. Now i realise that when i eat pineapple, I get them out too.
I'm halfway through the cleanse and I'm so pleased to be getting rid of these disgusting parasites, I want to tell everyone about it... and then i stop and realise that most people do not want to hear that I have parasites and I know what they look like coz I checked my poo :)
I'm doing a liver flush tonight - long overdue and I think the last 3 were unsuccessful due to parasite congestion so i'm hoping for the motherlode tomorrow!!!