I think I am finally getting this oneness thing... I just don't know if I am there yet... but I am trying... I met perfect forgiveness once and I found out how it is done... Forgiveness is forgetting... My alcoholic wife....before she died of alcoholism....told me that...but I also discoved it in my NDE. A lot of people forgive and say... I forgive but will never forget...
I know this seems like a reaonable response...but that is not forgiving...and maybe forgetting isn't the exact word for it...but let us say someone hurt you...and you say you forgive them...but to take saying to doing it is to remember it differently maybe... the incident might be brought up to you by another...even though you have let it go(forgotten it) and when they bring it up you might think...if I had been in their shoes and had to deal with what they had to deal with... I might have done the same thing...this is where we have that common place of oneness... forgiveness...
I am getting there...someday I will arive at oneness... I hope....