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Re: Anyone get a cold from taking idodine?
warthog Views: 4,136
Published: 18 y
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Re: Anyone get a cold from taking idodine?

I'm been feeling like I have a "bug." I'm quite sure it's not from iodine. My husband has had it at the same time, and we were both exposed to people with colds at the same time. It's not entirely gone. It's mostly feeling tired, having intermittent nausea, and then my nose is inflamed at night in my sleep so that I can't breathe through it & I snore. It's weird because my nose seems pretty clear during the day.

I have some oil of oregano in olive oil base, but I suspect that's not the strongest formulation. I could increase how much I take in a day. I've also been taking a bit of Iodine when I get around to it, but my armpits stink so badly, I've keep conveniently "forgetting" to take it :P Not that the smell goes away when I keeps coming out!

Anyway, I kinda evaluate the milder symptoms as either fighting off an illness or detoxifying based on what my husband is experiencing, and/or how long the symptoms last. I seriously doubt we'll experience the exact same detox symptoms at the exact same time, and we're not even taking Iodine at the same time or the same dose. However, I figure we might come down with a cold roughly at the same time, given the same exposure. It's happened before.


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