Re: I gave my opinion on an issue;
No dear, nobody was attacking you. You threw the first punch insinuating you were right and insisting that laws are a necessary evil.
We can have laws with peace and safety and integrity and honesty. Without integrity and honesty nobody is safe.
If I am in a car accident and blood is draining from me, if I break an arm, need stitches, yes I go to a doctor. They are good at fixing body parts. They are just not good at healing diseases, body, soul and spirit. That is what is necessary in complete healing. Healing diseased body parts do not work.
When it comes to my health I trust God and His natural medicines. I don't willingly go in to be further poisoned.
Nobody is defaming you. It is you throwing the barbs wanting the last word. What was your title, "Let it go?" Maybe you should.
Don't even think of attacking DQ. All he did was post an article. You gave your opinion and so did we, only to be attacked when you didn't agree with us.