I just jumped in since I needed gallbladder surgery. Did not even know that you should only do it as long you did not have constipation.
I am glad I was ignorant and did not worry. Now after reading for 4 years I would do it again and I know now a little bit more. The only thing I would probably do if I was constipated take 1 tsp Epsom Salts every morning so by the end of the week,when I did the flush, that everything would be working. Of course I know now too that all the ES with the flush will clean you out pretty well.
Hopinso's food suggestions sounds innocent to me, but I remember that people used to say use milkthistle for the liver, I never did since I was following Andreas and he was not much for supplements.
I was in shock after may be 2 years of flushing I read this link