Re: Salt Loading Today, B2 addition might help also
I've been taking a Super B-50 for a long while now which contains 50 mgs. of niacin. I take one tablet a day, along with at least 500 mgs. of magnesium, and a multi mineral tablet and I have V-C chewables that have 500 mgs. but I like the VC crystals better as you can add that to juice to get larger doses as in several grams very quickly.
I'm doing my 3rd salt load now, and I'm feeling some relief with a good urine least intuitivly it feels like it's a good output.
I wouldn't call it a copious amount though..not yet anyway.
I am not going to eat anything tonight since I ate earlier, and feel so full from the drinks!
I'll be around for another 1/2 hour or so..and I'll post my last thoughts/results from this salt push. sinuses sure feel good!