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Re: The Matrix - water solution
ohfor07 Views: 2,264
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 101,769

Re: The Matrix - water solution

Trapper your info pretty much coincides with what I was told where I buy, in 5 gallon plastic jugs. Wish I could get this in glass, this was their method of bottling years ago, but no longer commercially practical, especially given the current cost of gasoline......... I guess. There is no guarantee that the friendly worker at the cash register (smalltown operation but a brisk business nonetheless) is informed of the details of the finished product, but he did tell that as far as he knows, they do not add fluoride, none occurs naturally in the source that's deep enough to not be affected by runoff, they RO and UV and Ozonate it, and he advises that upon purchasing a jug to let it sit for a day just to be sure any residual chlorine has time to evaporate.

On a somewhat related issue, for the past few years the EPA has been trying their best to encourage a potential "accidental corruption" of this deep and natural source; despite the concerns of the local residents, they keep siding with a nearby corp quarry operation, continually approving their petitions to dig/blast deeper and deeper, despite the fact that the higher depths already exposed still have plenty of unharvested product - lime stone, exposed..... go figure.


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