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don't see the audio link
  Views: 2,350
Published: 20 y
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don't see the audio link

I'm pretty sure you are referring to an "eye dropper" drop. I don't think this kind of a drop is exact in quantity, but moreso the point is that the quantity is very small. Drops of whatever stuff are generally prescribed for two reasons: #1, to begin slowly exposing your body to a particular new substance, such as Black Walnut Hall Tincture; #2, to minimize the amount of really potent stuff, like Pure Oregano Oil, HydroChloricAcid (HCL), etc.

In the case of the former, one starts out on drops (2, 5, 10, 20, whatever) per dose, but after a while (days or weeks) the body should gradually be able to tolerate a larger dose quantity, like a teaspoon or tablespoon's worth. I believe MH has said in the past that he now takes his BWH (Dewormer variant) by the tablespoon, and as well he gives this size dose to his pet dog. In the case of the latter, certain tinctures/preparations are so strong that one needs to be careful (and knowledgable) in the dosage, like 1 or 2 drops of pure and concentrated Oregano Oil in a gallon of water should be sufficient for whatever ails you, but if you decide to take a larger dose, you better well know the effects.

So, in a way, there are two extremes to using drops, each has their own set of applications.



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