Re: Marry me Trappey...
Ecclesiastes 7:26
And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
i got it covered. i have gotten well while being opposed day and night. not a day goes by that i am not told i am worthless, i do nothing, i waste my time on the internet, i am not helping anyone or accomplishing a thing, i am a user and loser, etc, etc, etc. hell, i was so sick i couldnt stop crying or get out of bed and i was told the same kind of things, i was lazy, it was my fault, etc, etc. i got well in the midst of all this. i now thrive in the midst of this. the reason i dont work now is not disability as it was before. it is to raise my children and guide them away from becoming like her. narcissists breed narcissists. and to think, i chose her in part because she seemed so mentally stable and not a needy victim like so many women are today. i had already rescued one woman like that. i needed a strong woman for a partner raising kids. she has turned out to be a worthy opponent and saboteur instead.