Re: rebounding
Thanks for the information!
I couldn't start rebounding yet until I get these sore spots healing, just riding in my husband's pickup has been something that really causes me to feel them. I'm confident that getting the
parasites OUT of there, and getting the raw, sore tissue to heal is going to come- it's just going to take time.
But, I definetly am interested.
Have you ever had to deal with people that won't do anything any direction where health is concerned? It can be as frustrating as trying to deal with an addict that is in total denial. The 8 year old grand daughter has never had
food allergy tests, but I'm sure she's got them, and like you said- especially dairy. She drinks as much as she wants, eats any dairy food. I can understand how frustrating dealing with medical Dr's can be, I've been there- but doing nothing positive in any direction where health is concerned is really frustrating to watch, especially where children are concerned. Because they took her in once, and the Dr. did the throat culture and couldn't "find" anything with the swollen lymph glands, they won't do anything more, just hope it goes away in time.
They think she'll just outgrow the asthma...just keep her away from mold and feathers.