Dr Sutter recommended the Barefoot Herbalist dewormer, which is what he uses himself. He's had alot of
parasites to deal with, being infested with them in vietnam- ones that we wouldn't see here, and he says Barefoot's is one that he knows works well for broad spectrum.
However..Barefoot himself will tell you that most people will not see anything, that only the highly infested people are going to actually see them passing through the bowel. I'm one of those highly infested people. I've had congested liver problems for 2 years and the medical Dr's couldn't figure out why-- it was pretty obvious when I started seeing the adult flukes just a day after starting on the dewormer- not small ones, I had some 4
inch ones. But, they've been in there a long time- we know that where I would have gotten them, I haven't lived in that area for 12 years.
So, don't be discouraged that you aren't seeing anything...alot of people won't, but that doesn't mean you aren't passing them, and the eggs. My Alt. Med Dr. just told me that one of the mistakes people make with the herbal dewormers, is they think they aren't passing anything, and quit using it...when there are different stages that need to be taken care of, eggs etc.
Barefoot and Dr. Sutter both also recommend doing
Liver Flushes while deworming, and for someone like me that has the liver flukes, it's really important. Just make sure you are also not constipated, and the bowel is working well to eliminate them, and the toxins that go with them. My Alt. Med Dr. had put me on an herbal colon cleansing that I had been doing for a good month before starting on the dewormer. You don't want to be killing them, and having them not being eliminated!
Alot of the herbal dewormers contain the same basic ingredients, which I'm sure yours does as well...black walnut,
Wormwood , cloves- Barefoots has Oregano oil and olive leaf, and raw vinegar. There's alot of them out there, with different ingredients, added to the basic ones.
Don't be disappointed that you aren't seeing anything, my husband has been taking the same dewormer I am, and hasn't seen anything either, but knows to go the full course of it...again though, with the bowel working well.