Re: i need help! :(
Hang in there...its is sort of like the storm
BEFORE the calm. The skin is your biggest
organ of elimination and and so it is working
to help you detox.
It took a while for you to become congested
especially with the prescription drug usage
and the damage it does to the liver. It may
take many many flushes to "come clean" and
it will take courage and patience too.
I found this out dealing with a serious health
crisis and my naturopath told me it would take
7 years to heal. I did not want to believe her
but she was right. This is not to say that
you will take that long, but that it will
take longer than you are hoping for at this
Keep focused and read up some for encouragement.
Telman's blog is inspirational~~
and of course the
recommended messages in
Liver Flush Forum would be a good place
to validate your choice to cleanse your liver.
The Webmaster's postings also have many many
good posts about liver flushing.
Also, I have done 3 years of Master Cleansing,
and it is not always easy, but it does a good
job of bringing your hormones back into balance.
It detoxes, and can flush out a lot of old stuff
on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
You may consider something like that to
accelerate your progress...
Healing yourself is very powerful too and so
consider finding your power in your will to
do what it takes to go the distance. For now,
when you are feeling so emotional, that is a
big clue that your liver is detoxing. Be sure
to drink plenty of water and treat yourself
as well as you can.
You are very right too that many people love
you and your boyfriend and family and friends
would not want you to leave them, especially
when there is hope.
One step at a time, walk the walk, do the
cleanses, say YES to you and you will find
the joy and peace you seek.
Do not give up~!