Hi Trysten and Savagegrace!
Wow, these posts are taking an excellent direction!
What I write here might be just a review of what you already know, but might be helpful as a starting point for newbies. If I go astray, please comment!
I think there are two main directions to building overhead (to borrow your terminology, as this is new to me). Put simply:
1. Remove the toxins
2. Build your healthy reserves
1. Removing toxins
Anything which "shows the toxins a door" will help here. You have to find the toxins (mobilize them) and then encourage them to leave the body. The method you use determines which toxins are mobilized and the elimination pathway they take.
Anything which encourages the freeflow of water through not only the digestive tract (which eliminates through the kidneys and colon, mostly) and draws water from the tissues into these elimination pathways will tend to redirect elimination away from the skin, which is something which might help Trysten and anyone else with skin problems. Drinking lots of water, maintaining a healthy level and reserve of electrolytes (electrolyte supplements and sound diet), and using chlorella are helpful here. The use of
Iodine is an excellent way to remove bromides, halogens and some metals, and mostly eliminates them through the kidneys. As Savagegrace mentioned, kelp supplements (a good source of iodine) would help here, as well as the consumption of any seaweed, particularly kombu (a kelp). They can be added to soup or mixed in with food, for example, rice.
To remove toxins through the skin, sweating is best. Vigorous exercise (rebounding, walking quickly, jogging, bicycling, or other aerobic sports), saunas, and the detox baths are all good here. The trick is to stay hydrated as you exercise (or bathe) so that fresh water can replace the foul water which is being eliminated. To prevent skin problems, a brief cool shower afterwards stops detoxing near the skin. Another method is using detox pads on the feet. They draw toxins out through the skin of the feet as they perspire. Different kinds of detox pads draw out different kinds of toxins, but most remove metals.
The Tsetsi egg/lime/oil mini-flush helps to remove some toxins from the liver. For safest and best results, use organic free-range eggs only, wash them, and if you are concerned about salmonella, mix in 2 capsules of bentaine HCl (hydrochloric acid, edible form) to kill salmonella.
The full
Liver Flush (Clark, Moritz or any method you like) does an excellent job of removing toxins, mainly in the liver and gallbladder. It removes some stones, fragments, sludge, parasites, metabolic debris, and stale, toxin-laden bile from the liver, activating the production (or absorption) of fresh, clean bile. As the biliary tubes become free of stones, toxins have a clearer path out of the body through the colon (rather than the skin), and the liver can screen blood more easily, resulting in more optimal blood pressure levels and tissue cleansing at the cellular level. A posting which shows the result of a series of
Liver Flushes on removal of toxins throughout the body, including at the cellular level:
There is a relationship between a clogged-up, stone-laden liver, and skin problems:
There is a relationship between liver chemistry and negative emotions (current and stored!):
Herbal teas, such as kidney cleansing and
Liver Cleansing teas (check websites dealing with Clark and Moritz' cleansing teas) will help remove toxins (and also build feed these organs' tissues). They should be added after the main elimination pathways are cleared of stones, for example, after about 12
Liver Flushes and after a thorough
kidney cleanse aimed at removing stones.
To remove kidney stones, you could try banaba tea:
Other methods: 1/2 lemon squeezed into an 8-ounce glass of lukewarm water with honey or maple syrup to sweeten it, drunk first thing every morning for at least 2 weeks, or cranberry (juice or supplements). Parsley tea also helps: 2 large bunches of parsley, soaked in 6 - 8 cups of water overnight, boiled for 1 minute, and consumed over 3 days.
Watermelon is also good, as is making tea from crushed
Watermelon seeds.
After your main elimination pathways are cleared of stones (kidneys and liver), you could focus on metals removal. One of Concerned Auntie's postings on the subject:
Link to a cheap metals test:
To remove emotional toxins (and build overhead), check out these ideas:
Any kind of meditation would help. Being stressed out activates the endocrine system, particularly the adrenals, and over a long time, this devastates the body. Walking in bright sunshine seems to help here, particularly in the spring. I've found it helpful to listen to music I love as I walk. Also, it might sound simplistic, but watching comedies (TV or movie) helps to distract from problems - a kind of vacation from your worries - and leaves you feeling more positive and hopeful. Laughter is healthy!
2. Building Overhead (Healthy Reserves)
Consuming Tsetsi's egg/lime/oil drink supplies lecithin, a wide range of Vitamin B, and healthy cholesterol to the liver. One of the positive side effects is improved skin; another is reduction in the sensation of "twinging" in the liver, due to restless stones, and healing of the exit of the main biliary tube, which usually gets irritated by liver cleansing. It can be done safely!
Vitamin C is really good at cleansing the blood vessels and rebuilding tissue, including nerve tissue (it eradicated my mild case of carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands, and sensation returned to my fingers). The type and dosage of Vitamin C is controversial. Best to do your own research and choose what sounds best for you. Obtaining Vitamin C from whole food sources seems to be the best, and you don't have to consume nearly as much, as natural food sources also contain bioflavanoids which help the body absorb and use the Vitamin C.
Anti-oxidants are good at removing or inactivating carcinogens which are always present in the body. Green tea, rosehip tea, and kombu tea are all great sources. Grape juice (you get the same benefit as with wine, without the alcohol) is a good source. Acerola is the highest whole-food source of vitamin C, as far as I know. A diet rich in colourful vegetables (green, orange, yellow, red, and blue/purple) supplies all the antioxidants and their related chemistries. The easiest way to do this is add all the bell peppers to your salads: red, yellow, orange, and green. Blueberries or they're European cousin Bilberry are excellent source of anti-oxidants provided by blue/purple colours. They especially help restore and build the health of the eyes. These things all help to remove toxins and build healthy reserves.
Gingko Biloba is another anti-oxidant from a whole-food source. It's major cleansing action is in the blood vessels, particularly in the brain. It is good for improving cognition and memory, as the brain works better with a clean supply of blood. When I started taking this supplement, I didn't notice a change, but when I stopped (briefly!) I certainly was reminded of the mild but constant brain fog I had before - it returned! It is a gentle but powerful supplement; that is, it seems to work holistically rather than allopathically to build general health rather than treat a particular symptom.
Electrolytes: These are the metals which enable electric impulses in the body. The most important are sodium (usually overconsumed in the SAD), potassium (present in the skins of root vegetables), calcium (spinach is a good source), and magnesium. An extreme imbalance can cause death, as often happens with influenze with diarrhea. Imbalances can be easily corrected. There are many supplements you can take for this.
Sea Salt and Celtic
Sea Salt are good sources of trace minerals. So is sea weed and chlorella. It is particularly important to keep up your reserves of magnesium during liver flushing, as the high dose of magnesium in ES depletes the body of magnesium (and other electrolytes) through the colon. Taking magnesium supplements in small doses before and after helps to build reserves.
Enzymes: One of the most important things to build are living enzymes. An optimal way is by eating raw foods every day. Heating foods through cooking, pasteurization, and other forms of processing, kills enzymes. Leaving juice exposed to air kills enzymes. If you prefer cooked foods, take vegetable enzyme supplements just before you eat, to provide the body with the enzymes to digest the dead food. That way, your body doesn't have to use it's own resources to make the enzymes in the pancreas.
juicing vegetables and fruit (and consuming them within 20 minutes) is a good way to build up your reserves of enzymes. Degeneration in the body at the tissue level occurs with the reduction in the body of it's enzyme reserves. Build your reserves, and you will live a longer, healthier life!
Probiotics: Your digestive organs are at the same time your source of nutrition and your source of ill-health. Build your first line of defense by taking probiotics if you eat cooked foods (air and high temperatures kill these living bacteria), after taking anti-biotics, or after any thorough colon cleansing (such as enemas, colonic, or the consumption of ES or Colosan or
Oxypowder ). This bacteria helps to break down food substances into forms your body can use, create vitamins such as vitamin K (necessary for coagulation; without it, you get frequent nose bleeding, for example) and kills harmful bacteria. If your intestinal flora is in good form, you will have good digestion and maximun nutrition with minimal ingestion of harmful substances (like salmonella) and rotting of food substances in the intestines. This builds healthy reserves.
Hormones: This area is controversial, as far as I know. I know that if you take artificial hormones, for example to treat menopause symptoms (Premarin), there is a chance you can develop cancers of the cervix and uterus. That happened to someone close to me. Hormones in natural form, without any "-benes" are believed by some to help restore a youthful balance. You can see the effect of imbalance easily: men develop breast tissues in their fifties and even earlier, and even very young children (age 7!) can develop breast tissues if they consume foods high in hormones, like commercial meats and the SAD. Slaughter animals are fattened with estrogen added to their diet, among other methods, and this artificial estrogen tends to replace the natural estrogens produced by our own body. The body realizes it doesn't have enough natural estrogen, so produces more, until the organs are exhausted and the tissues oversaturated. This is a very simplistic picture of what happens. You can address this issue by taking progesterone cream and estrogen cream (natural forms only). One source is here:
I understand that Trysten has had difficulties here, so taking the alternative route might be better: eliminate processed foods (anything in a can or packaged in plastic), go organic, and eat raw foods whenever possible. The body will sort itself out in time.
Healthy Fats: This is an incredibly complex issue. Of the Omega Essential Fatty Oils (EFA)s, the main 3 oils are Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The simple key is to avoid deep fried or fried foods of any kind. Heating destrolys the nutritional value of healthy oils and changes the oils into damaging forms, filled with carcinogens and other dangerous substances. If you want to cook foods, heat it with water or use coconut oil (it stands up to heating well), and later mix in flaxseed oil, sesame seed oil, or olive oil. All add a great taste. Hemp oil has the perfect 2:1:1 balance of Omega oils, but might show up on a drug test (although it doesn't affect the body like the drug does.) Macademia oil and coconut oil both are healthy oils. All oils must be extra-virgin cold-pressed for best nutritional support. Oils are needed throughout the body for a wide variety of purposes, like nerve-building and maintenance. Cholesterol, from raw egg yolks, is very good at building reserves of fresh, healthy cholesterol in the liver. If the liver has access to fresh oil, it will dump old, stagnant oil and replace it with the fresh. The old, stagnant oil may contain toxins.
Note: After doing a series of liver cleanses, I'm most of the way through a
Master-Cleanse fast. I noticed that my hands became shakey, and that is a sign that I am low on either blood
Sugar or oil. Since I was consuming maple syrup and molasses as part of my fast, it had to be oil. I massaged my body with coconut oil, and the shaking stopped. It is a departure from the
Master-Cleanse but the only way I could think of to absorb oils without involving the digestive system.
Check this posting for a variety of ways to remove toxins/build healthy reserves/cleanse yourself of old, trapped emotions:
Books I recommend:
Barron, Jon. Lessons from the Miracle Doctors: A Step-By-Step Guide to Optimum Health and Relief from Catastrophic Illness. 1999. ISBN: 0-9719198-0-1
(Particularly good with the Hormone Supplementation issue.)
Pritchford, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, 3rd Edition. North Atlantic Books: 2002. ISBN: 978-1-55643-430-3
Erasmus, Udo. Fats that Heal Fats that Kill (2nd Edition). Alive Books: 1993. ISBN: 0-920470-38-6
Rhio. Hooked on Raw: Rejuvenate Your Body and Soul with Nature's Living Foods (3rd Edition). Beso Entertainment, NY: 2000. ISBN: 0-9671683-3-3