I am in need of help with social anxiety. This is something that I have dealt with since I was a child, and I have gotten better with it but it still poses a problem. Really I do alright with most general engaging and maintaining conversations with people but in larger social situations many people, I have a very hard time talking to people like the situation is somewhat overwhelming and I totally without wanting to will retreat into myself, especially if the situation involves dancing. It is really embarrassing i feel ridiculous, and feel a need to make up explanations for my behavior to other people if they may have seen me do this. I guess I do know how to dance but there is a lot of fear associated with this, like I'm scared I might dance incorrectly or say something foolish or I'm just totally out of touch with my surroundings. I just need help with relaxing and letting go of the fear that I seem to have. please help because I seem to be a person that other people like and I want to respond to that and develop meaningful relationships but his is standing in my way. Advice and solutions would be greatly appreciated.