Some people report being helped by Charlie's Liver Tonics; however I regret to inform you that many feel that he is a slick huckster who came to CureZone to make a killing on his $280 herbal tonic plus consultation fees. Though he has his supporters, ultimately there were too many complaints about his practices and abusive behavior towards CZ members and as a result he has been banned and I understand his forum is due to be dissolved.
His tonics may be good ones, but I think there are a number of good ones at far less cost available and I personally would not have any dealings with the man after seeing the way he has treated other members of CZ.
It is great to hear how well you have done.
In what I suggest, the oleander and the silver are two keys. And THAT should get your viral load to around a big ZERO.
A really good source of bloodroot, imo, is the Blood Support product formulated by Jon Barron. I would say that it is featured in many places on my website, but that would be advertising - lol.
Tell ya what - if you will change that gawdawful avatar, I might send you some sliver for free. Do you live in Texas? Might get you some free oleander too . . . anything but that avatar - it makes me want to SCREEEEEEAAAAAM!
The Best Years in Life
Thanks for asking - hope you like it.!
Though your first ever message to this site, cross posted to no less than 6 forums, contains some useful information, it and the site you included the link to include recommendations to get the Hepatitis B and Hepatitis A vaccinations (holy thimerosal!) as well as recommending interferon - a chemotherapy drug with a success rate of perhaps 5% and horrific side effects?
I don't think so!
Your site states that there is a safe Hepatitis B and a safe Hepatitis A vaccine. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine. Period.
"The only safe vaccine is one that is never used." - Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the National Institute of Health
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