Oh Thank You!
Hi Chava,
I had given up on this process and on this thread because I couldn't find anyone experienced with it..
*Thank you* for responding..
I think he may be using a different process in the "Self Test" book. He states in the book that one's subtype is a further refinement of the functional type (p. 73), bu somewhere in there he also states (IIRC) that the subtype represents a deviation from the desired original functional type.
So I was left with the impression that the Subtype is a temporary digression from the basic Functional Type, which one should strive to return to, and then following that 'return', to optimize into the next most efficient type.
What I am looking for is *dietary recommendations*, not an endless stream of bought supplements.
I am lucky in that, although I have quite a high level of joint/muscle pain, apparently I do not fit any diagnosable illness (For which I thank God).
I used the book "Dr. Kelley's Self-Test For The Different Metabolic Types" to work through the test. This book doesn't mention anything about having to be anything else before coming up a 10. I followed his spelled-out procedure exactly, and 10, then subtype of 1 is what the result came up.
I also have his booklet "Metabolic Typing: The Correct Nutrition For Your Body".
These both came from:
I have also got Dr. Kelley's ebook "One Answer To Cancer" from:
I just don't know what to do next with this info.
I know my metabolism or something else in my body is off.
*I* have to get a handle on it- The doctors are useless. My bloodwork is perfect.
I must do this via diet, since I don't have $$$ for endless supplements.
If you have suggestions, I would love to 'hear' them..