Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Brain power needs to be specially increased on urgent basis for parkinsons and alzheimers patients.
Doctors and hospitals simply presribe medication that have side effects and worsen the situation for patients in the long run. Fortunately now, there is advancement in treatment using pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy. This type of therapy is economical and boosts mental clarity, thinking processes and overall health of the user. It has also proven to have anti-aging effects. Research has been conducted by an American company known as EarthPulse, and it has come out with consumer device called EarthPulse Sleep on Command. This device is manufactured in India since 2002, and has more than 10,000 users worldwide. Great reviews can be found on their website. We have been using it from past 3 years with some amazing results for 95% patients. They even provide a 90-day money back guarantee for their users. To know more about PEMF therapy visit www dot pemfhealing dot in. It can be used by anyone regardless of age and the users get benefits of much clearer thought, increased intelligence, anti-depression, pain killer (back pain, joint pain), etc all from a single device. It has many program modes to help in deep sleep and rapid recovery. When we sleep deeply, we automatically recover from many illnesses. We don't get this quality of sleep more than 2 hours at a night for normal people. This device delivers deep sleep for 5-8 hours, thus enhancing body's self repair mechanism. PEMF is side effect free treatment. FDA has approved its usage in the US for treating
Depression and joint pain. Effects are felt within a few days of nightly use. EarthPulse is available in India on Amazon India. All the best!