Dear Forum,
I would like to share with you a probably important piece of information, about the so called "natural sleep". Please note that this could be a really important discovery!
You can look it up here:
and here in english, german and russian:
I suggest you immediately download the PDF or word document.
I personally cannot try it because of my current work schedule, but I suggest you try it!
If you make good experiences with this method, please send me feedback and copy&paste the info into other forums, because as far as I can see, this is widely unknown! Dont forget to write a review on the page, currently there is NO REVIEW of the book there yet!
Best regards,
medicineman9 from Europe
P.S.: The 6 people who reviewed the german book are very convinced it works:
The english book is also available here:
Regarding sleep, there might be a 2nd "sleep mode", called the biphasic sleep, so if the "natural sleep" does not work for you, check this out:
and this book:
P.P.S.: Please also check out my good health tips at
P.P.P.S.: Oh and please also note that "Earthing" is also supposed to help with sleep disorders.
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