Hello Metalico2,
I apologize for the syntax of my sentences but I'm French! Sometimes we think that evil comes from outside while it is inside us. After being very stressed for several years, I have had vomiting, headaches and pulsating accouphènes ... it was all because of my nerves and muscles. Here's what I recommend:
1) - to test your eyes by an ophthalmologist or orthopstiste because of eye problems convergeance can trigger this type of problem.
2) - In parallel, scéances of kiropractie and massages to relax momentarily kinésitérapie
3) - Work on yourself to learn how to appease you (method of Naïs SOUBIROU interressante for this).
4) Pay attention to your posture in your everyday movements.
5) Make the interview for your back and neck when you go best not to relapse.
I hope to help. Good luck for you