"Also has reduced my stress, Depression and anxiety plus PTSD dramatically."
Did not even dream of ever getting rid. This worked for me, might not work for others but wanted to share. Please consult your doctor before trying intermittent fasting.
( also got rid of keratosis pilaris and excess yeast in my body at the same time.)
I started hard core intermittent fasting: I fast 20-30 hours, then eating window of 4-6 hours. I only eat minimally processed food, no wheat/flour products, no sugar. As much veggies as possible, some fruit. Taking psyllium for fibre, also protein powder. Vitamins & minerals, too, in tablet format, just to be on the safe side.
I think this diet killed yeast and some other baddies in my body.
I am losing weight, as was BMI 28, now down to 25.
I feel energetic, no more brain fog, no swelling, feeling better and better.
Once I am in my target weight, will continue intermittent fasting but perhaps 12 hours - 12 hours cycle, will continue eating only healthy stuff. Def will not have wheat, flour-products, Sugar etc.
This worked for me. Also has reduced my stress, Depression and anxiety plus PTSD dramatically.
I suspect I had yeast and low inflammation issue in my entire system, as so many of us in the West. This diet killed them.
Okay for the past three years I have been having the weirdest symptoms. It all started when (don't judge me) I had a fling with a guy I met at a bar we had unprotected sex and oral sex, I didn't know he didn't have a condom until we were getting ready to get busy and he said he was clean! Well when we were having sex I felt myself get a little more watery than usual and not really in a good way. I was just really watery and that's never happened before. When I got home that night I didn't really feel different but literally by the next day changes were happening. The first things I noticed were changes in my lips, my top lip literally would burn around the edges and get red. I kept taking pictures and it looked like there was a red bump but there wasn't and my lips were veryyyy dry all of a sudden. I have never had dry lips ever! By day two or three I looked at my throat and I had little red bumps on the roof of my mouth and to make things worse where my top lip meets the bottom lip was covered in tiny white bumps they were even in the bottom corners of my mouth. But the worse of them all and this will sound weird but with all these symptoms I started to look different..my face literally changed and I didn't and still don't look like myself. My boyfriend even said the same thing. Yeah I didn't mention I had a boyfriend at the time of all this :( well everything on me literally started changing as if my face wasn't enough my skin changed too, I remember putting a black mask on my face and literally all my pores were wide open it was the nastiest sight. That freaked me out not only were my pores open but my skin is extremely dry now no matter what I do when I put makeup on it just sits on my face it doesn't blend and it looks flakey and nasty! I thought that everything would get better in some years but it's been three and everything is getting worse. Around the one year mark or maybe a little before that I started to get tonsil stones and nasty breath and my saliva is thick now. My face just keeps getting bigger I don't recognize myself and nobody else does either. I've gotten really big but only in my stomach, shoulders, neck, and face and no matter what I do I can't lose it! I look like a football player and I have always been small my entire life weighing 125 now I am 155. Down there has a smell that just won't go away and sometimes it's itchy as well as my bum. You guys I need help I just want my old life back! I've been to multiple doctors and an Ent the ent was worthless he looked in my mouth and said my tonsils are unhealthy as if I didn't know that but didn't tell me why he didn't even try to figure out why. I went to a family doctor and he prescribed me amoxicillin, z pack and nothing. I think that they might have helped for a few days but I'm sad to say I think my boyfriend has contracted whatever it is I have just not as bad. I also got a shot of something and that really helped it seems like that took it away but once I had sex with my bf it came back. So I found a family doctor to treat us both and obviously it didn't work again so we are back at square one. I know I can't be the only one going through this. Please someone help what do you think this could be or what can I do to get it gone!! I just want to look and feel like myself again! I want these lip bumps and tonsil stones gone! And I want my face to look like my face! My face is moon facies, google it if you aren't familiar but I don't have any of the diseases that cause it because I've been checked for them. I'm thinking whatever this is that I have from sex is knocking my immune system out of balance and it's just affecting my whole body but what can I do to get rid of it for once and for all!? I know it's something I contracted from sex but what? I was thinking hpv cause I got a wart on my face but no where else. Maybe the little bumps on my lips are warts but they don't look like it. Someone please please help me!! Also my eczema started acting up as soon as this started and after three years I think my thick saliva is causing my teeth to rot because they are turning brown and yellow!
Re: Please help, tonsil stones and white tiny bumps on lips! Did u find answers?
Hi,I'm new to this site and came across ur post when I was looking for some answers to my issues and I have some of the same symptoms as u and was wondering if u have found any answers?
Hi, I have been told I have a mild case of folliculitis. I had a skin biopsy and it confirmed an infection but wouldn't determine what type. I searched kellatosis pilaris if that is how it's spelt and it looks similar up close to that. Is there any chance that is what it could be? this is what my skin looks like..
I'm 28 and I am having a number of issues mainly to do with my skin and hair. I have bad acne, seborrhorea, keratosis pilaris, hair loss and rapidly greying hair. I'm new to this so I'm hoping for some guidance. Thanks!
04:30 - Sky – 7-year-old male Chihuahua. Why do dogs get ear infections? What kinds of problems are going on inside their body that would manifest themselves into ear infection? How can I help him? Can I detox him using your herbs? Which ones? What might be the cause of hotpots, ringworm, and poop eating? Are all his problem interrelated to why he’s having ear infection?
24:08 – Kristie - Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! I really need your help! I'm a 43 year old female, weigh 100 pounds and height is 5'5. Here is my story into Hellville...I had a really bad migraine in my right eye, and I went to hospital. The worst mistake I have ever made! They did an MRI and told me they found a spot on my brain. After 24 hours of terror they said they made a mistake, and it was nothing. I went home thinking everything was o.k., but woke up having a major panic attack. This sent me back to the doctor. Another major mistake! I was given a high dosage of xanax which I took for 2 months. I decided to quit taking xanax cold turkey and that's when the real hell started. I lost down to 75 pounds, heart rate was 120, my eyebrows fell out, couldn't sleep and was in a high state of anxiety 24/7…
44:24 – Doc, why would calcium citrate not replace vital calcium to reverse Depression from a chemical standpoint?
47:50 – Bobby – I wanted to find out if it’s possible to cure these 3 diseases: 1. Thalassemia, 2. Gauchers, 3. Motor Neuron (Lou Gericks).
51:16 – Bühler – Detox Miracle Sourcebook in French.
52:01 – Derek – I was recently diagnosed by a doctor with inflammation of the stomach, specifically my ascending colon. Food has not been moving properly, I’ve been very constipated and bloated and at times it’s difficult to pass gas. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.
1:00:13 – Questions from Austria – 15 month on the raw food diet. I cured my asthma with lots of green juices and salads. (See video for more information).
1:16:44 – Denise - Can you help my Friend? This is what my friend wrote to me. " I'm dealing with AF, hypo, low T, leaky gut, candida, parasites, h pylori, autointoxication, heavy metals , EBV(suspected), histamine reactions, low dopamine/GABA and some of the more severe genetic defects. I am booked in to see a new doctor to see if he can find out why I still can't tolerate any supplements and many different foods. I've tried treating leaky gut, liver congestion, genetics, adrenals, pathogens. Basically everything and no doctor has had an answer as to why my system flips out over miniscule doses of anything." Can you help him? Thank you so much in advance for listening.
1:26:55- Weromn - Dear Robert Morse, I would like to know what is the relation between salt and the kidneys/adrenals. What should one do with salt-cravings? Give in or resist? How does salt influence detoxification? Also, what about a regular salt intake? Is there a minimum of dietary salt intake you would recommend?
1:29:54- Weidor – I have read that some cases of schizophrenia can be lack of frolic and spinach and other green leafy veggies can be helpful.
1:32:22- James – What’s the best way to move the lymph, rebounding?
1:35:18 - Claire – Do you have any advice for college students for how to go raw vegan? There’s not ways a lot of options at my college, and I don’t have a lot of time and money to go and buy food…
1:42:51 - Susan – Please help me with the correct diet for my 14 year old who has unclers inside and out from Bechet’s Disease.
1:46:51 - C – I am 20 years old and I become depressed because of my hair loss and acne, I would like to have some advice for this.
1:51:55 - Geroge – Lung Cancer Case. George from Scotland.
A lady I work with soaked her feet in hot water with a half cup or borax, and had a lifelong case of chicken skin resolve. Her chronic high blood pressure was also in the normal range the next morning.
I had reccomended the borax soak to her for a case of athlete's foot.
While this is a single annecdotal example, it may be something you might try relatively inexpensively. You might disolve some borax in some water and apply it directly to the affected area as an alternative, and see if it helps you.
Hey everybody, I've had keratosis pilaris for almost 10 years now. Throughout those 10 years I've experimented with a multitude of different methods to try and rid myself of KP and while some of them reduced the KP none of them really worked to my satisfaction.
In 2016 I've been trying to slowly add more healthier foods into my diet and I continued that about 2 weeks ago by eating carrots. Almost immediately I started noticing my KP was drastically reduced. My skin feels really smooth where the KP used to be and although there are a few bumps remaining overall the KP is almost gone. I would definitely recommend anybody try integrating carrots into their diet as it's relatively simple in comparison to many other techniques out there.
I am 52 and I have suffered from KP keratosis pilaris all my life. I remember first becoming aware of it in my teens.
My trouble spots are: back of arms and tops of thighs.
I have always been very self aware of the bumps and did not want anyone touching the back of my arms.
This was always embarrassing when dating someone because they always wanted to put their arm around you and rub your arms. I always stressed out about that and would cringe.
I have tried everything to help my KP. I have researched and read every "cure" and never could find anything that helped
Until now....
It's not a cure but it's 1000% better and when my husband said to me the other day "wow your arms are soft, no more bumps!" I was thrilled!!!!!
It's called Plexus Body Cream
Here is the description: Plexus Body Cream is a unique skin renewing cream with Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal!
Features powerful Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal* Rich Blend of Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera Gel), Sweet Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Lavender Oil and Rosaceae Oil* -
I have been using it for about 6 weeks and it has made a huge difference. Unbelievable difference.
I know that everyone is different and everything doesn't work for everybody. But I am so glad this has worked for me.
I have heard people say it has worked for their Rosacea too but I cannot attest to that since I only us it for the KP.
I'm Rachel and I'm 17 years old. My trouble spots are my upper arms and cheeks. I found an all-natural cure for my K.P a few years ago and I'm currently trying to start a business with what I use.It's called KP Kure!!! It's all natural so no worries about chemicals! I have a product and can send any of you a sample! Feel free to email me or direct message with any questions.
CURED of Keratosis Pilaris!!
I changed my diet and personal habits.
Eliminated bad carbs and all grains and gluten products.
Started Nutriblasting everyday with whole organic fresh foods.
Only use organic products such as coconut oil soap to wash with and use with a soft loofah, then moisturize with almond oil.
It's been 3 months and I have no more dry skin or keratosis pilaris!
Also, started taking 1/2 teaspoon of fish oil in 2 oz. orange juice everyday.