My endometriosis Success story,How I cured my endometriosis
(Skip to the last paragraph if you can't be bothered to read it all.)
I believe that I had endometriosis since my first period at 12 and possibly before.It took about 10 years before getting diagnosed.And even after my diagnosis I had enough of not being taken seriously and being treated like a hypochondriac and drug seeker.
My aunt is a naturopath so I tried all sorts of alternative treatments (progesterone cream,many supplements ,enzymes,iodine,DIM,vitamins,minerals), I was put on a raw vegan diet for a few months with no improvements.I tried a parasite cleanse ,as sometimes parasites can be what is causing the endometriosis,but still no improvements.I was also dealing with other illnesses,ME,allergies,rosacea,depression, anxiety,fibromyalgia,chronic pain ,anemia,problems with my immune system ( Chronic sinusitis ).I used acupuncture and Chinese herbs for over 2 years to manage my pain but unfortunately for me it could not stop the progression of the endo.
My pain kept getting worse,my periods where getting longer,heavier and more painful ( I was having contractions,passing out large black clots and pieces of tissue and veins) and I had bowel,kidney,bladder,abdominal pain every day.Some days I was struggling to walk and could not sit up straight because of the pain.I was so sick of the excruciating endo pain,it made me suicidal.
5 moths before I consider myself cured ,I stared taking (LDN) Low dose naltrexone which really helped with general pain relief,depression, ME and fibromyalgia.It was challenging to get a prescription.LDN is a medication that works with your body's immune system through it's interactions with your body's endorphins.Endorphins play a role in pain relief, immune system regulation, growth of cells and angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor). It is also sometimes used to improve fertility in endo patients.
Finally finding healing:
Three months ago I attended one of John Mellor's healing meetings after seeing his work on youtube ,honestly I was very sceptical (there are a lot of fakes out there) but I was willing to try almost anything at that point. Ever since he prayed for me my every day endometriosis pain,fibromyalgia,ME have disappeared and not come back.My period are what I would consider normal ,like women who don't have endo.Now when I have my period I no longer need to take any pain killers (not that they ever worked )I just rest and drink red raspberry leaf tea and wear a heating pad belt.I stick to a paleo-ish diet,take LDN and NAC supplements for my rosacea.It took about 2 months before I could no longer feel the adhesion that once prevented me from exercising and caused me intense pain.
Don't let anyone tell you that you have to live with an illness for the rest of your life when there is hope, and there are people with incurable conditions who have found healing!
The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens !
Adam, go to the Iodine Supplementation Support Forum and learn about supplementing with iodine. That was what helped me when my body was totally beat down by the parasites and treatments. Your body needs to get stronger so you can fight this. I'm sure you are depleted of many vital nutrients by now. If you follow the iodine protocol, your body will get healthier and the iodine and co-nutrients also helps kill some of the parasites. Nothing else is going to help you until you get your body healthier. It really does help, Adam. I would not lie to you. I know how it feels to be desperate after 3 years of fighting these monsters. Just try this one more thing, o.k.? This is what cleared me out and made me well again.
Stopping the Ativan was horrible, i suggest reading a benzo support group. It might be rough, but you will make it! Just remember that it gets better!! You must stop the Ativan as soon as possible, the longer you are on the worse it is. Taper off if you need to. I have a friend that also quit cold turkey, she didn't sleep for a month. I didnt sleep for days at a time, but would occaissionally get some. I also had crzy electric shocks and was clammy and sweaty, but those only asted a few weeks. Rest, watch mindless distracting tv, remember that it will pass. Find someone you trust and ask them to help you get through the withdrawal. My daughter saved my life by being with me, holding my hand, caring for her sister, making sure I ate, etc. My heart is with you.
While it is certainly a good idea to get rid of those amalgams, that may not be as much of a priority as you think. In addition, you are awfully young to be self-daignosing yourself with ALS. I suggest that you do a regimen of natural cleansing, perhaps preceded by a water fast, and detoxing (cilatro, chlorella, parsley and apple pectin all help remove any heavy metals you may have) and then take a good look at your diet. Your name implies that you are a raw vegan. You have to really know what you are doing to get all the essential nutrition needed for optimal health if you are going the raw vegan route. You really might want to seriously consider adding some wild caught salmon and deep water fish, organic cage free hens and eggs, raw goats milk, and even a bit of organic grass fed free range beef, perhaps consider a superior all around vitamin, mineral and nutrient combo such as intraMAX and even a superfoods powder. If I were you I would make sure that I got plenty of whole food derived magnesium, selenium, GTF chromium, and silica. So many of us are deficient in one or more of those (most of us are deficient in all of those when it comes to the amounts needed for optimum health). With those items, and the omega 3's, folate/B12's, etc that your diet may not be supplying, your health may make quite a remarkable turn-around.
I very, very seriously doubt that you have ALS. It isn't something which usually appears, disappears and then comes back again. Especially not at 14 or 17.
There is a a clinic called the Camelot Cancer Care in Tulsa, Oklahoma that promotes using DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) as an IV carrier for Sodium Bicarbonate in the treatment of cancer tumors. They are the only clinic in America allowed to use DMSO for cancer therapy. They seem very accessible, with qualified MDs and with contact phone numbers given on their site.
DMSO is unique in that it is able to combine with water soluble chemicals (like sodium bicarbonate) and pull the chemical through the skin. DMSO also has a unique feature -- it has an affinity for cancer tumors - and so is an ideal chemical to target the cancer tumor.Their DMSO IV treatment lasts for 18 days and costs about $10,000, and the clinic is run and managed by 3 women. During the non-invasive treatment you will stay in apartments that cost little more than a motel.
Anyway, check the links and Good Luck.
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