I went off of my meds six weeks ago. I felt that I was strong enough to take a break and commit to the Beck Protocol since I had perfect blood panels. Undetectable and CD-4 (T cells) at 930. I take Truvada and Isentress. The only part of the protocol I didn't do was the ozone water.
I received my new numbers this morning :
CD-4 down to 403
% CD-4 Pos. Lymph + 13.9 - should be 30.8 - 58.5
Platelets - 138 - should be 140-415
Neutrophils = 23 - should be 40-74
Lymphs = 62 - should be 14-46
Monocytes = 14 - should be 4-13
Neutrophils (Absolute) = 1.1 - should be 1.8-7.8
My experience:
After 3 weeks on the protocol I started feeling very tired and found a painful swollen lymph node under my right arm. I continued to use the magnetic pulser under my arm, gut and other lymph locations. The swollen lymph abated but I found another under my left ear. I attributed this to virus die off and continued the protocol. I now realize that it was a reaction to an onslaught of HIV virus which was taxing my lymph system. The exhaustion I felt was overwhelming. I felt hot much of the time and I was irritable. The same symptoms that led me to medication. But I continued for three more weeks.
I had my blood drawn on Tuesday and went back on meds that night. It is now Thursday and I already feel better.
My conclusion:
I was hopeful and committed to the Beck Protocol but it proved ineffective for me. After more research I found that the original study was done in vitro (in glass), not in vivo (in living tissue). Many new medical break-throughs work perfectly in a test tube but fail in a body. I don't believe that the external blood electrification is strong enough to penetrate the skin. The patented device goes inside of the body which showed the best results. I think that Mr. Beck used the Einstein College results and patent to extrapolate some very simplistic conclusions. Also, the original studies only used blood electrification in order to get the results. That method alone should be enough. But the Beck Protocol morphed into needing magnetic pulsing,
Colloidal Silver and ozone water. None of which were in the original studies. The other additional methods should be considered adjuncts to the blood treatment, not essential. Otherwise, that brings into question the real effectiveness of external blood electrification.
As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I hate being beholden to greedy pharmaceutical companies for my life, I must say that the over priced drugs keep me alive and healthy. But I am still hopeful. I know that there must be other ways to cure disease. Unfortunately, the Beck Protocol isn't one of them, in my particular case at least.