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Hi all!
So I recently did a Candida cleanse and parasite cleanse to check to make sure I wasn't suffering from either, as I had been to a poor country a few times in the last year.
After I came back I possibly had giardiasis, and was also on a very strong antibiotic called levofloxacin.Taken twice a day after surgery,which caused me to start having very bad watery stools,bloating, yellow in color, gas, a very bad smell, leaking of Candida and other things. It went on for about three weeks. literally-if i ate the wrong thing I'd be on the toilet, for the whole day off and on & things went through me.
Then it disappeared, but I did pass little floating almost cut in half pipe cleaners, which were white, and a painful passing of a small, root like structure that was white.
I had no problems but was also on medication later (unrelated) for other things that caused constipation, etc.
I then decided a week or two ago just to do a cleanse, as I noticed after I used certain spices, I would have an urgency to go, and would pass white or yellow,orangey stuff wrapped around my stool.
So I began the cleanse, taking antifungals, and other things to get rid of it. Then I got very constipated after a week or two so I stopped taking it. However, the constipation was worse than i had ever experienced, it literally would not move.
So after a week and a half of stopping the antifungals, etc ,in case they were causing my intestine to freeze, and also cause my constipation, I started using a veggie wash for my food, as i would rather be safe than sorry, as it has antifungals and antimicrobials in it.
I also had leaky Candida or something when I had to use the bathroom,and a lot of long vaginal discharge which i never had before/ was not to the extent it was coming out at times.
I took a strong laxative..some other fiber and waited,
I then later a few hours later..
I Passed a very thick,slightly yellow slightly orange colored heavy matter that as possibly, Candida? or Bio film. It was about 1 OR 3 inches in length!!! attached to one of my bowel movements, and the other stool had bits sticking out in the same color. I was shocked!
It was heavy to pick up and remove with a qtip and it was not slimy but rather like a heavy DAMP piece of tissue paper or cloth almost? I'm not sure how to describe it.
I have suffered from anxiety and other things and had a poor diet growing up.
Only began taking probiotics, real butter on things, and coconut oil in the last two years.
I was on a lot of antibiotics as a kid but hadn't been since i was around 13. it was around 9+ years ago. I also was on accutane for 6 months. I have never taking birth control for longer than 1 week ( in 2015) and was on spironolactone(2015) for a short time(1-2 weeks).
Doctor thought I had pcos but no longer take it as i don't have it.
At the time( surgery and travel) i believe I did contract giardiasis. I got bad watery diarrhea but I also was taking proton inhibitors,sleeping pills, anti-allergy medications and Tylenol. It also got screwed up as the nurse gave me juice and other things that was filled with sugar, and other no nos.
I normally did not take any medication for anything at the time, so it was a lot for me to take!I have a little bit of acne, but had very bad before accutane(age 12). Easily dried out skin(12 years old onwards) and eye bags since I can remember. No health conditions or stds, allergies, lactose issues. No health problems. I Also have had no issues slimming down recently and get small cravings for sweets and fast food but have not eaten it but rarely in 4 months.
Was this Candida? I did see possible rice like things on my tissue paper before, but only one at random times e and some seed looking things in stool but not recently, and i don't suffer from itching there or anything abnormal. Maybe it is asymptotic?
I just have bad constipation that leads to a painful butt and possible fissure at times and some blood but nothing beyond that. I also have suffered from bad dandruff since I was 13 or so and believe it is fungal induced,as zinc, and sylici acid anti-dandruff does not cure it for me but relieves it for a short amount of time. I have always been fatigued easily, and depressed/ negative thoughts..
and now that i passed that lump of possible Candida, i feel a lot more clean and light and almost unburdened? I never had any issues besides occasional constipation prior to this year and actually was very regular but now I suffer from that leaky Candida at times and now the passing specks (yellow) at times on the stool.
i also wash my hands very well no matter where I go in public and I use purell etc when needed.
Thank you!
You just opened the door to having parasites spread all over your body is what. Herbs don't deparasite the whole body--only the digestive tract. Do real deparasiting with zapper and then see what infections they've left you with. Dr. Clark explains that very well in her book---get it for doing the deparasitiong properly. She was the first zapper owner--she learned how to use it properly.
Her take on today's 'diseases:
Only Two Health Problems
No matter how long and confusing is the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fatigue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants and/or parasites. I never find lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anything else to be a primary causative factor. So the solution to good health is obvious:
Problem --- Simplest Cure
Parasites --- Electronic and herbal treatment
Pollution --- Avoidance
'cure for all diseases', page 2
You're just making yourself sicker with all the fiddle fuss products of the pharmaceutical cartel (they own all the health industry now). They don't want you well. How can they make a profit??
FYI: the FDA is putting human killing frequency chips into I'm not sure which zappers you can buy. I kow the ones here are compromised, so maybe should make yourself the simple one Dr. Clark shows, to get you by. Otherwise you could electrocute yourself and end up quite damaged and weakened with no hope of recovery--all the test animals she tried it on died a slow lingering death.
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