Nail discoloration may be the result of a fungal infection, using dark shades of nail polish, excessive cigarette smoking, or a symptom of an underlying health condition. Yellow nails can be treated and possibly prevented.
Home Remedies:
1. “Vicks”
“Vicks” vapor rub contains eucalyptus oil, menthol, and camphor to fight fungal infections while removing discoloration.
Use the antiseptic, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil to fight fungus infections causing the yellowing of the nails. It is often combined with extra virgin olive oil to speed up the healing process.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has strong antifungal properties to treat infections. ACV contains acetic and malic acids to fight infections naturally.
“Listerine” mouthwash treats fungal pathogens with its antifungal active ingredients of thymol, eucalyptol, and methyl salicylate.
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Had an 80 year old neighbor who had a fungus/infection on her foot. [Toes]
She couldn't even wear a slipper.
I gave her a plastic container just big enough to get her foot in it, and a Qt of my 10 PPM ionic colloidal Silver.
Told her to soak it while she watched TV which was about all she did anyway.
Next day she was wearing that slipper, no problems and a day or two later was able to wear her shoes.
From this
this in less than 7 hours
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