If you are familiar with natural news, you know he has his own lab and tests products. He recently tested Turmeric products.
First of all it seems that we can find minerals in 3 forms: Salt or crystal, ionic and colloidal.
Then it is said that the body can only use organic minerals, that's too say minerals that are chelated (bond to a protein) like in plants or animals and that inorganic minerals like in supplements are just a waste for the body.
true but not exclusively. the healthier you are the better able to asborb inorganic
I've read too that there is an interaction in the absorption of minerals, so if you supplement with a mineral let's say Iron alone, you will deplete your body in Zinc or if you supply Magnesium you will deplete your body in Calcium.
true, that's why god created things called trees which supply food for humans, and why pill factories don't grow in the wild.
Or maybe this interaction/antagonism theory is just saying that if you eat a food with some calcium and magnesium in it, if the ratio is too high in magnesium no calcium will be absorbed in your bowels?
true, but we were also given taste buds and other senses to use.
I've read too that a bad liver/bile flow/stomach acid/gut flora/gut permeability/lymphatic congestion/cell walls will impair mineral utilisation and absorption by the cells...
true. if you can heal the above you will be in god shape.
So I need your knowledge on these topics please.
For supplements like iodine, Colloidal Silver (which is said to be a toxic heavy metal that the body doesn't use), Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and salts.
CS is for Trapper's clowns. stay away from mms.
A lot of people are saying that salt are toxic just because they are not balanced in minerals but that celtic salt, himalayan salt are good, but when you look at the ratios of minerals in these salts they seem not good at all...
Natural salts supply perfect forms of alkaline minerals.
But on this forum a lot of people seems really to love the Himalayan salt so I'm very curious.
Himalayan and celtic are good salts.
About supplementation, people say that nowadays the soils are depleted in a lot of minerals due to intensive agriculture (and we are depleted due to SAD)
so we should supplement mainly in: magnesium, iodine, boron, molybdenum, copper.
no, we should seek out better food sources, or eat more of the lower quality
But the measurements in foods by labs are merely arbitrary and random no? Or is the level determined by the DNA of the plant? (in that case what about Epigenetics). What about Kervran's transmutations too?
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