Hi All,
I am new to your wonderful forum and I am at my wits ends. I am afraid and I am not getting ANY answers except running into a brick wall, what makes it worse, I a RN, I still can't get information. Please any and all comments, information, suggestions are welcome and I guess I am scared and frustrated. I have even asked my mother's neurologist says that she can't talk to me directly regarding myself and my primary doctor doesn't want to investigate further because I am I not suffering any "obvious concerning" MG symptoms and won't authorize a referral to a neurologist/MG specialist. GGGRRRRRRRR......
HISTORY: I am a 39 year old female who has been diagnosed with psorasis, psoractic arthritis and rhuematoid arthritis, all immunological disorders. Lately I have been experiencing increased fatigue and what appears to be a lower immune response to diseases (getting sick WAY MORE, going septic from a strep infection WHILE ON ANTIBIOTICS) and more severe allergic reactions (5 anaphalactic reactions to one dose of 500mg of Keflex)
FAMILY HISTORY: My mother at 78 was diagnosed with Myastenia Gravis via a Myastenia Gravis crisis which involved 8 weeks in the hospital. She too was diagnosed with psorasis, psoractic arthritis and rhuematoid arthritis prior to her MG diagnosis. My mother has been stabilized, discharged home (I live 5 townhouses away), is on 240 mg daily of mestinon, 2000 mg daily of cellcept and monthly IVIG treatments.
My question is: It is obvious that my mother and myself are suffering from various immunological disorders, I am concerned that because I am trending JUST LIKE MY MOTHER, am I at risk for getting MG? I have done research and it seems as though MG is not a genetic linked disorder, but I can't stop the feeling that I am at risk and from my recent history, my immune system is apperantly and obviously wacked out.
Thanks in advance for your help and responses and I apologize for this thread being so long.....
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