Just looking for some advice/support... I believe I have reactive hypoglycemia. I have been to my Dr twice about this and she laughs it off saying, "Oh, well I get tired after lunch too." But she doesn't understand. I fall asleep. I can't concentrate, I get dizzy and I have to sleep. I wake up an hour or two later with a headache, weird vision and heart palpitations. When I'm not at home and I've eaten and I can't sleep I get heart palpitations, dizzy and almost nod off. It happens when I try to eat lunch. Sometimes it happens when I have an extra coffee (the lactose in the milk, I think, brings it on). There are some things I can eat and some things I can't. It is literally driving me crazy because I also have some kind of stomach reflux issue as well which means if I eat the wrong thing or quantity there I get awful stomach pains and have to take nexium to get rid of them. SO on the one hand, if I eat carbs, I pass out, and on the other, if I try to stick to protein, if it has too much fat or I eat too much I get the stomach pains. If I eat salad well I may as well starve hey there's just no point. Yet if I eat sugar... Like chocolate... Sometimes I'm fine, but other times I get stomach pain. I just can't seem to win. And Drs are not taking me seriously. They make me so frustrated that I want to cry and scream but I just nod and leave withuot saying anything. They are acting like I am making all of this up! I am not making this up! I want to be able to eat! I am starving during the day here! I have no idea what to eat! They tell me to go see a nutritionist - I can't afford it! I have just ordered a blood sugar monitor off ebay with 50 strips so next week when it arrives I am going to try different things to eat and see which ones make my stomach hurt (and cause me to take nexium which I don't want to take) and which things cause me to pass out and what the relation to blood glucose levels are (if any). If anyone has any advice... I would really appreciate it . I am very upset being treated by the medical community as though I am crying over nothing here when every day I am so frustrated and on the edge of crazy because I have no idea what to eat!!! And the last few days I have noticed not only am I passing out, I'm twitching and stuff just beforehand, almost like a miniature seizure. And they don't take it seriously! "Haha," they say, "Everyone gets tired after carbs." I swear to God this is more serious but they don't care!
I'm a 21-year-old female.
I want to say at least once or twice a month, I start getting worsened anxiety and panic plus other weird symptoms that I think are die off, but I never see any candida in my stool.
These symptoms include:
-Dry mouth
-Bad breath (that I can smell when I simply talk)
-Weird pressure headache and neckache
-Increased anxiety/panic with no initial cause
-Inability to take on minor stresses
-Heart palpitations/fluttering
-Itchiness everywhere (scalp, entire body)
-Lack of hunger
-Pale yellow urine that is cloudy with white dots and debris (candida/toxins?)
-Stomach cramps that feel like something is being twisted + burning pains (travels from my lower right hip area to left hip area to more central)
-Rotten-smelling feces that are whole and in separate chunks at the same time, kind of watery (smell like gasoline, green when wipe)
-Chronic yeast/bacterial infections that won't go away except on my period that return 2-5 days later (smells sour, cottage cheese discharge that ranges from beige to lime green, itchiness, pain, swelling).
Does this sound like die-off/detox at all? Or something else?
Please help me out here; thank you!
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