I have become a chiropractic patient since the past 3 months. And am amazed at my improvement.
I am surprised when I hear so many ppl are unaware of chiropractic and would rather pop pills than see a chiro. Since you are a chiro, is there any way we can adjust ourselves? Because although, chiro is beneficial, it is expensive. I am wondering if I want to be a chiro patient forever? Or should I be?
I have noticed that my feet remain warm and toasty this winter. They always became ice cold in winter months for as long as I can remember.
Thanks. I have started taking Yoga and Pilates classes at work and am feeling great. They give me a good stretch.
Two years ago I discovered CZ, when I was suffering from unexplained abdominal bloat and incomplete evacuation. I did a lot of research as I was suffering a lot and pretty much looking pregnant because of the bloating. I tried a naturopath who just sucked $700 from me in a month and did not releive my situation. Then I started doing Liver Flushes (did 13 of them) and still had no luck. I drastically changed my diet, already drink tons of water, still no improvement. I was just feeling horrible day after day. On top of this, my blood work said, everything is tip-top. Nothing was wrong.
Anyways, I started seeing chiropractor recently, for different issues and not only has my pain gone, but also my stomach problems are getting releived. ( though not 100% yet)
I have developed interest in Yoga, because yoga is also about fixing the spine and the unhealthy spine can be root cause of my illnesses.
Then I discovered your forum and found that you are a chiropractor. That makes me read more of your forum...Because, I am amazed how fast chiropractic cured me, when I was feeling aweful.
A lot of problems can be caused by spinal misalignment. I got very positive results from chiropractic treatment. My chiro took it slow with me, but everytime, I went to him, I saw improvement.
Now I am back to work full time. I was so sick, I went on short term disability for full 10 weeks. My husband was also taking leave with me, as he could not leave me alone by myself. Now I got my life back. I think I lucked out in finding a good chiropractor. The MDs were stunned at what went wrong with me. And the chiro just did his job and gave me my life back.
One more suggestion I have for you is try some yoga exercises. I used to do a lot of high intesity aerobics in the past, but later I found, these kind of exercises can actually be harmful. Yoga is very demanding, if you do some good stretching poses. I have been doing it for past 2-3 weeks and already feeling my thighs are slimming down. ( something which aerobics could not give me no matter how hard I try)
I am still strongly against Liver Flushing, Enemas, Colonics, extreme fasting, which 95 % of CZ population beleive in. But I beleive that if given a chance the body will heal naturally without harmful drugs and w/o harmful procedures.
No ornithine does not work with anxiety. There are some tips that you can try immediately once you feel anxiety creeping up like Stop anything that you're doing and breathe, learn basic healing techniques, try exercising, etc or can consult a professional psychic like Voyante Sérieuse or a tarot card reader for your help. Most people that experience a high level of anxiety (8 or above) find it very difficult to focus on anything but their anxiety. A big part of anxiety is our reaction to it. When anxiety triggers in our bodies, we experience physical symptoms. It is important to control anxiety, rather than anxiety control you.
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