Not sure if this is the right forum for this question but ....
how effective and valid are those biofeedback therapy machines? I know of TWO naturopaths near me that use these machines in their practice to diagnose people. I always thought biofeedback was to help you relax yourself, not for making a full body diagnosis.
Here's what their website states about it:
Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy identifies the stresses on the body at the electro-magnetic level. Then, through biofeedback it provides data in the form of
recommended homeopathic solutions, electro-acupuncture, meridian and naturopathic balancing.
Biofeedback incorporates basic principles of energetic management, from ancient Chinese traditions, to the emerging field of Quantum Dynamics were considered.
This gave rise to a perspective that a river of energy connects every organ, every thought and every emotion. The flow or blockage of energy reflects a profound
system of communication that demonstrates the body/mind intelligence. Biofeedback seeks to create and integrate an environment of wellness, balance and
harmony. The entire process is safe, gentle and non-invasive.
It works by reducing the stresses on a body at the electro-magnetic level caused by food, toxins, environment, genetics, lifestyle. The Biofeedback system then feeds back the appropriate electro-magnetic signals, using nano-second computer speeds, to insure total safety.
Here's more detail on how Biofeedback works:
Measures the electro-magnetic reactivity in the body via different electromagnetic responses. Compares the tri-vector resonant frequencies of complex mathematical calculations of the body with nearly 7000 known compounds stored in the largest software database in the world. Current Rife and other point probe devices only measure resistance. Feeds back information, in the form of recommended
homeopathic solutions, electro-acupuncture, meridian and naturopathic balancing.
Stress Detection and Stress Reduction using The Biofeedback System:
Biofeedback works by reducing the stresses on a body at the electro-magnetic level. Stress begins by producing an alarm response in the body, which if not managed by
the body's own natural resources, can lead to the development of an adaptation response. If stress is not resolved, symptoms appear. Imbalances usually begin at
the cell level, progress to tissue and organ level, and may involve whole body systems.
Stress may result from a large number of factors including:
-Thoughts of self-doubt that block perceptual awareness
-Nutritional deficiencies
-Inadequate intake of water or oxygen
-Toxic stress factors such as fungus, bacteria, viruses
and chemical agents
-The presence of heavy metals
-Prescription drugs or other synthetic compounds
-Geopathic stressors such as parasites or allergens
-Genetic predisposition
-Bio-field contamination from radiation, microwaves and
For more info on a Biofeedback Consultation, please
contact Dr. Chad & Dr. Fayth Silveus.
I guess I want to know if this is for real or just hocus pocus?
Anyone have any experiences or input with this?
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