So I suspect I had candida. Either that or MS which I doubt. Back in 2013 I started having issues with my throat. I'd bend over and when I stood up I'd have a headache, almosy every time. In 2014 I got sick, found out there was black mold in my closet in my room. I moved out and hoped that would help but it didn't. It kept getting worse. My symptoms such as fatigue are not as bad as they were when fresh out of the mold but I'm still tired and my esophagus stays tight and raw most of the time. I've seen pulmonologist, multiple, allergist and primary. I'm supposed to have a scope done but trying to come up with the money. Anyway, I have a really hard time breathing, feels like my chest, back and esophagus all stay tight and nake it hard to breathe. I figure it's pleurisy because my muscles in my chest and back are sore to the touch. I say candida because gluten seems to cause it to get worst for days or weeks.. It has a mind of its own. I've also developed heat intolerance. Once it hits about 90, I feel like I'm gonna pass out from just 5 mins of being in the heat. I get palpitations a lot and feel foggy brained and out of it sometimes. Sometimes it can be all day and other times it lasts for 10 mins. I have random rashes that pop up all over my body and allergist couldn't find anything. They're raised red bumps, not blotchy patches. The tightness in my chest and back and esophagus is the most concerning. I'm not sure if I had candida then came in contact with black mold which made the candida worse or what because I was having throat issues before I moved where the mold was. I've done coconut oil and I've changed my diet. I don't eat prosessed
Sugar anymore and I stick to mainly gluten-free sugar-free. I ate gluten a week ago and it's been rough ever since so I'm not touching anything with gluten at all. Does this sound familiar to anyone? The coconut oil is too much. My die-off symptoms are ridiculous and I'm not sure which is worse, living with candida or trying to get rid of It. Are there any anti-fungals not as harsh as coconut oil? Thanks.