I prefer combination of organic cosmetics and home yoga and gymnastics. So I'm ordering special organic products(replaced the usual face cream with bottles of essential oils.Hazelnut oil is ideal for oily skin) and do face massages, take a look at
I've recently read some reviews on face massagers
and I think it can be used at home too. Any other recommendations will be appreciated)How do you fight your skin aging?
In addition to CureZone, I have attempted to post information about methods that were, in the past, successful in saving the natural lens and avoiding cataract surgery in OTHER CATARACT FORUMS on the Internet.
But all of those posts were taken down within 1 hour of their posting, no matter what the forum. So far, none of this information has remained. The only forum where I have succeeded in getting the information out, is here, on CureZone.
All of these other cataract forums without exception are pro-surgery, but still, most posters are reporting less than ideal outcomes from their surgery which are often heartbreaking to read. And it is from those forums that my posts were all removed. Whereas, most posters on this forum, CureZone, are anti-surgery and want to save their natural lens from the knife.
I suggest that those who visit the Cataract Forum here on CureZone, also try to post on these other forums from time to time. At least, we will keep the censors busy!
So, on we go.
The women the OAS pulled out and hung in a security cell in the town square, with their memories and list of crimes from the last 1000 years posted on each, were put there for the king to decide their fate. There were about 25 there by the end of the nite.
The king was expecting this after the OAS told him what he'd found. So he, plus the four high lords, went down the row, reviewing the memories and observed crimes of the women, deciding their fate. Of that 25, the group in judgment couldn't find one single woman who wasn't so thoroughly corrupted that a life reset would help, even Zen's mother. They rarely ever resort to reading memories, so she'd slipped thru that first time.
They were all sentenced to death, permanent death. Which, their bodies were killed and their heads destroyed and the spirit was sucked out into a soul container. The king asked the OAS to take them out somewhere beyond the galaxy and destroy the spirits so there'd be no way they'd ever make it back to earth. The king really wanted far more punishment for them, but he realized it'd just give them the chance to escape and be more problem. See, somebody learned something from all those TV shows where the good guys go soft and don't get rid of their enemies, with lasting bad results. Lol
So, whew I thought, finally I could get back to normal and get rid of all these attacks spell/curses. But nope, they started up the thirst/dehumidfying spells started as soon as I lay down. I couldn't believe it---the women doing the attacking knew the consequences for this behavior and so the OAS found 5 women this time and hung them up for judgment; crimes and memories posted with them—again all very corrupt.
Well, that ought to do it! I thought. But the next nite another group attacked me, with the same results. And finally after about 4 nites of this, the OAS was getting quite annoyed so when he noticed one of the women had an energy trail which he traced it to it's source. It led downwards deeper and north. Hum, both of us were thinking they had another talisman buried down there somewhere, maybe. After a bit, we popped out on this rough stone balcony thing.
And down in the vast cavern below there was this huge black beast thing, complete with black horns red eyes and a gaping hole where the mouth should be. It was extremely powerful and as soon as it saw us, it roared up to attack us. We, being of good sense popped ourselves right back out of there. We turned and looked at each other. What the hell was that???
We went back to the surface and sought out the king. We told him what we'd found. I suggested we keep very quiet about this and be very careful about who was around in any planning sessions because clearly this was a huge threat that needed dealing with. And after the witch thing, we might not know who was working for that monster.
So more tomorrow. Sheesh, that was one really terrifying being.
So we got our heads huddled, the OAS, (actually the El-*th and the grey's OAS too), me, the king, the four high lords, and started trying to figure this out. First what/who was this beast?? I could see from his skin being all flat black looking and very rough, he was a demon universe entity who was incredibly old; they, like dragons get bigger with age.
I've been thinking about how in heck you kill the entities from that universe for a while now. They're silica based, not carbon, so essentially, they're stone. So first off, energy bolts or bullets or swords had little effect. It chipped them or melted little spots on their surface—no big deal and a waste of time and precious energy.
So I explained that to the group. I told them, in my thinking, it was like figuring out how you'd destroy a stone statue or building—something like a wreaking ball, sledge hammers, air dropped explosive bombs, big rocks dropped on them, jack hammers, anything that would crack or shatter them. And maybe one of those industrial lazers that could cut stone. And just keep pounding.
This monster was, we figured out trying to be an OAS without becoming one. Just by controlling forces of el-*th, humans and demon world entities. Most of which didn't even realize they were serving him. His name was Bael.
Must be a common name over there, because that was the name of that demon spirit I had helping me. He knew I was destined to deal with the El-*th, who wouldn't really deal with those types of entities because they were very aggressive about people on their land and attacked the traveling caravans of El-*th regularly. So he said he'd helped watch out for me so that I could ask the El-*th to stop the hybrids from shooting highly damaging powerful nuclear weapons thru the portal and destroying the access to this world and making a large section of the demon side unusable. It was near where his people lived and he believed that destruction would annihilate them. I did ask, of course, and the El-*th were able to stop that. The hybrids were trying to get rid of witnesses.
Anyway, this Bael was actually behind the hybrids too, although I'm not sure they ever realized it. He literally was Satan. The most evil force in existence. I've been wrong—there was a satan being pushing all these dark evil agendas. The hybrids were his pawns. Wow---I never even saw a glimpse of him and of course the coven was devoted to his service (luckily it was already disbanded). The breath of his power and influence was staggering. The OAS has 7 billion but this character had close to 6 billion with all the different species. This battle was going to be basically Armageddon---he'd been preparing for a very long time.
But we wanted to make sure it didn't go like he wanted. I could tell he had all of his demon world help in the tunnel and warrens behind him. His plan was to lure us into the tunnels where he and his minions had lots of traps set up. I just knew we couldn't face him in there. Somebody, think it was one of the high lords, suggested we get energy netting down below and around his location, underneath him, and pull his whole cavern out of the ground (yeah, they can do things like that). The OAS saw that would just open up those tunnels and all those angry demons would come boiling out. He decided before we lifted that cavern, maybe he should go stomp around on top of the tunnels really hard, collapsing them. Demons wouldn't be killed, just trapped for a while. We didn't see any humans or el-*th down there, so it seemed a good start to keeping the demons from being a problem.
The plan then was drawing that monster out into the open and start bombarding him.
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I have talked a lot about conventional ways to blur fine lines on the face and to plump them, ward them off, fill them in, and how to keep our face and body muscles toned and firm but I haven't talked about a somewhat unconventional gravity defying technique that I was told about (but honestly don't do) to keep gravity from getting my face and body down.
Gravity is what keeps us standing on the ground and not floating in space. It is also what makes apples fall off the tree and onto the round rather than into the sky. And it is also what makes our faces and body sag downward rather than get perkier and lifted.
Wouldn't that be a neat perk to aging? Having gravity reverse?
Well, some people are attempting just that. More and more people in the mid 40's and beyond are taking up inversion. Essentially, people strap their feet down and sit on a table made of durable canvas or wood. They then lie back so they are prone and on their backs. Then they tilt the table with their body weight until they are completely upside down. Hardcore inversion enthusiasts strap on special boots and hang from a bar or rack completely upside down with no support.
Why? This allows the blood to circulate (Imagine the glow you would get from that!), it reverses gravity, and some say they have increased energy and stamina and less aches and pains - especially back pain - after an inversion cycle.
While you are upside down, your entire body literally has the weight of the world off its shoulders. Your face will get a rush of blood and oxygen going to it, sagginess will be reversed, and even the scalp benefits. Meanwhile, your breasts are no longer working to keep themselves upright. All the pressure from sitting on your chest is off them and they are swinging in the breeze - but, for a change, upwards!
Many people who practice inversion swear that they look younger, their skin has better overall texture, their circulation is improved, facial sagginess is reversed, and even their breasts (in women) are perkier and much less weighty.
It's worth a try for some of you but not me, thank you very much. I would get so dizzy, I would end up in the Emergency Room. Yeck.
Inversion tables and racks are widely available at sporting goods stores and prices vary. Before investing, be sure to try one out. I wouldn't go for a bargain table considering your head is only inches from the ground while you are upside down. If it breaks, so will your head! Do your research before making any decisions. Also, check with your doctor. Some medical conditions can be made worse by inversion so get the all clear before attempting to try it.
If you have ever wondered about alternative methods for fighting gravity and the sagging that goes with it, inversion is catching on big time and you may want to hop on the bandwagon - or the inversion table - and try it!
Like the idea but can't afford the equipment? There are ways that you can try reversing gravity with little more than a thick plank of wood or an ironing board. Again, be sure to have your doctor's OK first.
Take the board and set one end on something sturdy like a TV stand or cement wall outdoors. Take the other end and set it on the floor or ground, forming a slope. Make sure the board cannot slip by putting a sandbag behind the lower part or something equally as sturdy. Better yet, have someone stand at your head and "spot you", watching for any sliding of the board to avoid injury.
Position yourself on the board, lying on your back, head toward the floor, feet and legs above your heart. The lower your head and higher your feet, the more inversion benefits you will get. Lie there for 15-20 minutes as the blood rushes to your upper body and face. Many feel a warm, pleasant feeling while inverted.
Get up slowly and sit a few minutes before standing to avoid dizziness.
Does that still sound wacky? You can do a little face inversion by simply lying across your bed with your head hanging over the side. Tilt your head back and let the blood flow to your face. Do this for 15-20 minutes and, again, slowly get up.
You won't get the body benefits of inversion but your face will be inverted and you MAY see some improvement in your fine lines, sagging skin, skin texture, and overall glow of your face.
People who are devoted to inversion will be happy to share stories about how it changed their lives, both inside and out.
Since I have never tried it, save for a few headstands when I was a kid, I can't say whether inversion techniques are or are not valid anti aging secrets revealed.
I just wanted you to know what some people are doing to fight gravity and to reverse sagging skin as well as a host of other things that inversion claims to do.
If you are a fan of inversion or have tried the modified techniques I mentioned, please let me know on the forum! I would love to know if anyone has seen real and true anti aging results from hanging upside down.
I never saw a bat that looked old so maybe there IS something to reverse gravity after all!
Note: Most inversion table sellers do not list de-wrinkling and unsagging as a benefit of inversion. They do list more circulation to the brain, repositioning of the inner organs that make that "spare tire" many people sport disappear, regaining lost height, and relieving varicose veins as anti aging benefits of inversion. Users have discovered the anti sag, anti wrinkle effect and have commented about it on many forums. Some celebrities have also said that they use an inversion table right before a big red carpet event to look younger.
Inversion is an interesting concept but one even I wouldn't go so far to do. I like the idea of reversing gravity but the very thought of hanging upside down makes me green - and not with envy!
~Patty Therre
Patty Therre believes that women can be beautiful at any age. At age 42, she has learned the tricks and tips to stay looking her best and is here to pass them on to you. Age is only a number. Defy the numbers and stay youthful forever - without expensive and dangerous medical procedures.
(NaturalNews) Do you see the glass half full or half empty? We now have proof that positive thinking will add years to our lives. A study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings has revealed the difference between optimists and pessimists is around 12 years of life! The Mayo team began by examining personality tests performed in the 1960s. Then they followed these individuals for around 30 years to find out how their lives played out to scientifically measure the relationship between attitude and longevity.
The conclusion: optimists are far more likely to live longer than pessimists.
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