Sorry, I beg to differ re soy. I am hypothyroid, on meds for it, and tried
an experiment. My daughter had made some food out of soy.
I ate extra helpings to see what would happen. The next morning I was freezing and could not get warm for over 24 hours! has a lot to say about how soy is no way a health food, as do many other sites and Youtube.
If the soy has been cooked or fermented then it loses its goitergenic properties. The same applies to other goitergens: flax seed, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels’s sprouts, peanuts, turnips , peaches, millet, cassava, strawberries, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, kohlrabi, rutabaga, spinach, and pine nuts to name a few. If you want to avoid goitergens you will pretty much need to stop eating.
There is so many different oxygen products around at the moment. I've never wanted to buy any of them. It sounds like hype to me.
Yes, generally they are. Ozone therapy is one of the few oxygen therapies I really like. But it is not practical to do it all day long to maintain oxygen levels. So deep breathing is still the best way to maintain proper oxygen levels.
Just another way to take our money. Although I like the dental oxygen products for whitening.
Will taking silica improve whiteness of teeth? I believe it helps the enamel.
Silica strenghtens the enamel, it does not whiten it. Try sprinking sage leaf (the same used in coooking) on to your toothpaste. It is a tooth whitener and antiseptic.
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