Maybe our eyes can reveal this mystery?
After i had my baby, i immediately noticed the light blue sclera, solid color. It didnt seem right but the dr. said its normal. Ok. About 6 weeks after he was born, i noticed i started getting a light blue ring around my iris, but not ON it. You can see some white in between the iris and the blue area. Its light shadowed, but noticable. I also noticed i have a yellow line from the iris to the corners of my eyes, and pinkish (not the usual pink) purple seeping from the corners wher you can only see when i look to the sides. Theres more light yellow ringed around the blue, and on the insides of my eyes its close to a rainbow effect, pink, yellow, blue. My red lines have gotten tthicker as well, and about two weeks ago i woke up feeling scratching in my eye, looked in the mirror and seen my eye was bleeding underneath i think the lense? I noticed two days ago, my sons eyes are slowly turning to a similar, if not the same, pattern and colors as mine. He also has red lines starting to show, and one strong one on his left eye coming from the inner corner creating a half circle ending at his top eye lid. From what ive read, eyes like this can represent a systemic disease in progross. I wondering if maybe i aquired something during ny pregnancy that he might have gotten as well some how? He is now 4 1/2 months old, i am only 24.
I will add in all honesty, i began using methamphetamine a week after he was born, and am now in recovery a week clean. But i see no way how this could effect my childs eyes, never was it dobe around him, i was not breastfeedibg either.
If it helps, ive had some random bumps looks like swelling on my hands wrists ancles and feet, cold fingers and toes, sonetimes not all of them oddly. Joint pain, muscle weakness, major pain in my right shoulder blade and on my right neck/shoulder. Nausea, vomiting every once in awhile, constipation, really weird skin coloration changes which happens right before my eyes and mimics livedo reticularis, random lines will come and go slowly as well as if i was scratched or something was right under my skin, symptoms of scleroderma flare ups in my hands and slightly raised lumps on the tendons, im extremely itchy, eczema on back ofbarms are worse than ever and also eczema popped up on my middle knuckles, and more. Overwhelming i know.
Also, blood work for myself as far as blood counts were good, no anemia, thyroid is fine, only thing was my eosinophils was high (not the absolute eosinophils, just eosinophils),
Sugar is fine, not pregnant, and there not looking into the eosinophils. The drs say my son is also not anemic, and never see what i mean by the skin change because its never happening at the drs and if sonething stuck, they cant tell because we have fair skin. I think they think im crazy, im not.
Can someone help us?