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Best General Parasite Cleanse
  Views: 3,024
Published: 11 y

Best General Parasite Cleanse


I would like to begin a general parasite cleanse.

What are the best suggestions for such a cleanse?
Do other organs need to be addressed first/during/after?

I do have a Basic Zapper from CT Busters (and do not currently have funds to purchase a more expensive one.) Though I am very open to zapper suggestions I could save for in the future.

I have traveled abroad a LOT to tropical and 3rd world locations over the last 12 years. I had Dengue in 2007.
Also, during travels, I have had my share of bacterial infections and "travelers belly" with symptoms of severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting as well.
I am giving this history because I want to be pro-active in cleansing, as I know I have exposed myself more than the average westerner to parasitic conditions. I have had many "unexplained" symptoms over the years... and I think parasites could be the cause.

Regular parasite cleansing is something I have been meaning to begin for too long, hence I am asking for what has worked and proven itself BEST and MOST helpful for those that have done these cleanses. And what does a "regular" cleansing schedule look like (how many times a year)?

THANK YOU for any and all suggestions! =)

PS~ Does anyone know if any parasites are contagious through saliva or toilet seats? I am vegan, but my BF who I share my home with is not only a meat eater, but eats Raw meat and fish!
Just curious, as I think I have heard parasites can be transferred through dog saliva before....


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