As a former Lyme sufferer I am so happy to announce how easy Lyme wellness was achieved for myself. Latest research shows that Lyme metamorphosis and mutations happen as soon as the spirochetes are stressed with temperature, antibiotics, heavy minerals, and alkalinity.
I am thrilled to share this patented Lyme treatment. Most do not know about ionized copper.
What is seldom reported is how these spirochetes actually infect red blood cells and hide from those stressors. This is one reason why Lyme never really goes away and come back.
True, you can eliminate almost all adult bacterium that swim in the blood stream, However pods inside the biofilm and spirochetes inside blood cells remain resistant to all forms of treatments.
The company that makes this patented lyme treatment is giving a free bottle to all Lyme support group members. This is the gift of life for Christmas.
Purchase is neccessary to activate this offer that matches your purchases with free products.
Inquire at
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