High ketones and protein in Urine?
Protein in urine and high ketones. They tested for UTI and found none. I have been having slightly elevated blood pressure but no swelling the past couple dr's visits. I drink one cup of coffee a day and water or herbal teas the rest of the day. Lately red-raspberry, mullein, nettle, peppermint, or chamomile are my faves or a combo of them.
I'm just trying to see if there are any suggestions as to what could cause those other than pre-eclampsia. Just took my blood pressure and it was 137/80. Like I said a little high for me and my pulse was 102. I stopped taking
OO (Olive-Oil) and lemon juice daily and
Epsom Salts daily a couple months ago as the liver pains I was having around 20 weeks went away with that regimen after about a month. I'm 36 weeks yesterday and I'm starting up the OO, lemon juice and
Epsom Salts again as a precaution. I've had slight liver pain just randomly in the past couple weeks, but wasn't worried about it as the holiday eating are what I figured were causing it.
I intend to do another gentle
Liver Flush after baby's born (I've done it after preggo with my 3 others and it didn't hurt the milk or cause any probs) but do any of y'all have any suggestions or ideas of anything else I can do? I have another OB appt this afternoon and will see what they say but I'm honestly dreading it.