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    Is this a Fungus Species? (Geotrichium Candidum)   #68716   5 y  726  C
  • GET RID OF YOUR FUNGUS TOE ,,,, CASTOR OIL 7 days!...   Zztop807   6 y  464  C

    Remove Parasites and Worms
    Get rid of the life suckers!


    DOES your fungus toe look like THIS?

    Does your fungus toe look like this? this is taken with free Camerazoom from Google Play everyone needs to download it.... camera zoom has a microscope on it that's free and it'll increase the picture about 200% those are little worms in your fungus toe they crawl up your leg and crawl up into your ankle you could feel them you can feel them in your toe I've had it for 35 years. gOT SO tired of trying vicks,,,, lots of bs . now I know what is been a big party in my ankle for 2 years now I've been wondering how to get rid of them IT WILL BE gone at least half the toenail within 7 days . stay with it and keep cutting put castor oil every nite.......... and also once you can see their start wiggling and that they are worms you could put parasite meds on it or castor oil . or just cloves by itself or it will burn or peroxide or alcohol and mine is nearly gone I think its been about 2 weeks GET RID. OF THEm. REAlly ugly to camerzoom them on Video!'''first day i noticed the crap, they had run up my leg from that foot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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    Question about Candida and Nystatin/Medistatin   friday126   6 y  1,143  C
  • where can i order sugar and lactose free nystatin ...   Ivanna   6 y  377  C

    where can i order sugar and lactose free nystatin with no prescription?

    where can i order Sugar and lactose free nystatin with no prescription? HELP PLEASE i have severe candida issues, my gut is in very bad conditions and is getting worse, i need nystatin urgently, fludan is not an option anymore, the site is not available always, i require to order constantly, i can’t be waiting till the site is available to be ordering, because it stops my treatment, fludan site was been down since thursday of the last week.
  • where can i order sugar and lactose free nystatin ...   Ivanna   6 y  432  C

    where can i order sugar and lactose free nystatin without prescription?

    where can i order Sugar and lactose free nystatin with no prescription?

    HELP PLEASE i have severe candida issues, my gut is in very bad conditions and is getting worse, i need nystatin urgently, fludan is not an option anymore, the site is not available always, i require to order constantly, i can’t be waiting till the site is available to be ordering, because it stops my treatment, fludan site was been down since thursday of the last week.
  • sick for decades please help   Ilovemata   6 y  268  C

    sick for decades please help

    FOr years I’ve gone to dozens of doctors telling them I though I had a fungal infection and nobody would test me.
    I just got a live blood analysis and finally he told me I have aspergillus.
    I ordered the medicine he suggested and it all got blocked at customs.
    I’m in Asia.
    I need a NTAURAL Protocol which will move this URGNETLY.
    Please please tell me what to take and how to take it.

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