hi rudenski
i'm reading this article by thich nhat hanh and he quotes a beautiful poem that says:
all formations are impermanent
they are subject to birth and death
but remove the notionsn of birth ad death
and this silence is called great joy
i was thinking about what you said about wanting to strike a balance between this world and the true spiritual world that is your "home" where you, like you said, plant "invisible seeds" that you nurture and care for without the atmospheric sunlight to cultivate it
i'm thinking a couple of things in response to your post
1) perhaps if you extricated yourself of the notion of "groundedness" or even the word "balance" or even "sustainable" then that may be a START
If you ask " How do i stay grounded?" This is implying that the way you are truly
is "ungrounded". It makes you focus too much on OTHER people's perceptions of you.. and how they respond to you. It is obvious that you are exquisitely attuned to their slightest inflection of regard towards you and that , perhaps, is the root of
feeling "ungrounded". If it were not for the perceptions of others, you would be just fine... feeling "grounded" but because of other people's perceptions, you feel "ungrounded". Perhaps a start would be to play around with those two polarities:
grounded and ungrounded
and play around with the idea of making them dissolve
perhaps that may take your meditation to a higher level
because you say that to have one foot in this world and another foot in the other and play THIS world "equally" is more than you could bear
true , because that would be ( for yourself) tantamount to being a 'fake" or a 'bad actor"
perhaps if you get rid of the notions of "fake" and "real" that may also be a 'start"
i'm sure you have heard of these taoist precepts before but i thought i would bring them up again in response to your question of staying 'grounded"
i think your concerns are real and valid
but i don't think that my telling you that you are indeed actually GROUNDED
will be of any use whatsoever
since the contrast between what you feel within and the enormous "act" that you feel you must put on for others is creating a divide
you are good at meditating
take it to a higher level
meditate on dissolving other people's perception no matter how seemingly impossible that may be
they do not live YOUR life.. they are not YOU
some people in religious texts ( i'm thinking specifically of the bible) have voiced the opinion that for them to marry would be too much of a distraction,
it would take away their focus on "God"
i take this as a metaphor of relationships in general
to be wedded to relationships in which you are poorly or greatly misunderstood
because you can't always be the 'good actor" ALL the time... may cause you to feel that you are losing your integrity to yourself and the ONE that you wish to truly dissolve with ( the universe... or the Godhead)
maybe you can stop striving to create this "groundedness" and then.. it may naturally come to you...
forget how people perceive you...and they may stop perceiving you because they may sense that it is not their place to do so...
and that you have a higher mission than to appease them
maybe you have tried all these things in the past
maybe you can stop trying
or caring, even ( another zen concept)
and renew your vow to stay true to your own vision, your own spirit
after all, in the end, you only have yourself
i agree
it is IMPOSSIBLE to meet EVERYONE'S expectation
and its .. even.. cruel
more crueler to some than others
and if you have done everything else
oh well...
what else can you do?
but continue to surrender