Hi Sanctuary & Peace (what nice names),
I too suffer from hypothyroid issues but do not take meds (yet).
(Just got tested for first time since early '90s, awaiting
N.D.'s verdict.) I had a very similar experience on Lugol's--
extreme lethargy, weight gain (about 8-10 lbs but I stopped
weighing myself, too depressing, after I lost 14 last summer),
feeling cold pretty nearly all the time, and when it's hot,
not being able to cool down, sleep problems, and other assorted
weird but transient problems, which were not there pre-iodine.
So I quit altogether for 3 weeks. I was up to 10 drops on a
few days, 8 drops on most days.
I went back just a week or so ago, on detoxified. So far, energy
level a bit better, still not great, but not losing weight. It
may be too soon to tell. I'm sure as soon as the energy level lifts,
the weight will just drop off. More women have thyroid issues
and do not even know it, than ones who do and do know it, it seems.
I'm not saying that is YOUR particular problem, but just commenting.
I wish I knew the answer as to why some people do so fantastically
on iodine, after going through a reasonable period of detox,
and others just see virtually no change, month after month. My
waist seems to have disappeared lately. Everything fits tight. This
is especially vexing as at my age (I will turn 58 this summer)
it's next-to-impossible to lose weight without drastic measures.
I'll be doing a juice fast for as long as I can keep it up, in about
another 10 days or so. Thankfully I've not had headaches or acne,
though I had a horrific itchy rash on forearm for 2 months, which
was diagnosed as eczema, eczema and staph, and a fungal infection,
by 3 different doctors, including 2 dermatologists. That went away
around the 3rd-4th week of March. Also have had really awful brain
fog, worst in the early morning when I first get up. I'm sure
that not being able to sleep more than 4 hrs at a stretch on
average, 6 1/2 hrs. total (on the best of nights) EVER, has a
lot to do with that. But something is causing that too, and it
probably is not the iodine. My best guess is it's hormonal. I'm
betting your problems may also be due to a hormonal imbalance.