To receive the greatest benefits from an enema, the liquid should be retained for 15-20 minutes and the abdomen gently massaged to help loosen any debris from the intestinal lining (enemas only reach the lower section of the colon so the area below the navel should be massaged.) The massaging is an essential part of the enema. I once heard it described in terms of a washing machine...you can put the washing powder in (enema solution) but without the turning of the clothes in the machine (massaging) they wouldn't get as clean.
Retention of the solution can be difficult at first, with the sensation of liquid flowing the wrong way through the colon prompting the colon to try and expel the fluid, but over time you will find it easy to hold even large amounts of fluid for 20 minutes or more. So start slowly, only taking as much fluid as feels comfortable and controling the speed of flow via the enema stop-tap. I find the more relaxed I am the easier it is to retain the liquid, as the gut muscles aren't pushing against holding in the fluid.
Opinions on the benefits of enemas are varied, with many claiming they are detrimental to health as they rid the gut of 'good bacteria', but I perform a
coffee enema once weekly and always feel lighter and more clear-headed afterwards. I also take a daily pro-biotic, doubling the dose on the day of an enema.
The best advice I can give is to just take your time with progresing the amount of fluid you take in and the length of time you hold it for. Never do anything that causes you pain or discomfort, listen to your body and do what feels right.
As regards the castor oil packs, I've never used them but have read many reports on their effective detoxing properties when applied to the abdomen. I'm performing fortnightly
Liver Flushes at the moment and was wanting to try a castor oil pack on the night of a flush to see the effects, but chemists no longer stock it in the UK so will have to order some online. My mother has recently undergone abdominal surgery so I was also hoping to get some for her to try for pain relief and healing.
And I have no experience with heavy metal elimination so no advice there sorry!
Amber :)