After being on the WD for soo long,your body does just go into this mode where once you do reach you bodies natural ideal weight one just kinda hovers around in that area for the duration of the diet.
Boy,I can't wait to put on some weight so I can quit eating soo much..this really is a full time job!But the mini meals I make are pretty tasty and nutrionaly superior so I don't really mind,it's only day 3 and it's like I am on autopilot.I wake up in the middle of the night and have a small meal lol!
I worked out today and was still strong as ever,shoulder pressing 135 for 8-10 reps/5 sets,did 8-10 reps of 5 sets of chin ups,135 for power cleans and curled about 85
lbs. on the barbell.not too shabby but I am suprisingly tired from all that,I need to get back in shape!
Anyways,the WD was an excellent way for me to detox from reliance on nutritional supplementation (weight gainers high calorie) for all those years (4 total I think) and having been on the WD for about 4 years also,it really cleaned me out and made my insulin levels somewhat normal again.Without the WD I don't think I would have ever gotten things back on track,the only thing I would do differently would be to cut out the danged Red bulls!I only drank like one a day but that's still too many sometimes I feel that way,but oh wells. This is the first time in a long time that I have ever just eaten meals or a standard diet,being that I have almost always relied on liquid calories when I was younger.I am glad I didn't winde up with fatty liver or diabetes,those WGs were really really something else..600 to 1000 calories per shake 5-6 times a day..sheesh..