I am currently using PB shakes to cleanse my Bowels/Intestines/Colon what ever you want to call it (I think they refer to the same thing when it comes to cleansing –to my knowledge bowel/colon specifically refers to the large intestine). I think of cleansing as more holistic than trying to treat a condition with supplements, but I guess for some people initial cleansing can take a long time.
I decided to try the PB cleanse after researching the ingredients. This is some of what I found:
Bentonite is a natural clay formed from ancient volcanic ash deposits. Its chemical properties attract and absorb toxins. It is not absorbed by the body; it basically just passes through the digestive system. Bentenite is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA(that might worry some;). Some people have a sensitivity to psyllium. The PB shakes might appeal to you because they are affordable and you mix the ingredients yourself.
I did research on the Oxy products as well but in my opinion they are use a lot of pseudoscience to sell what is basically a laxative at an exorbitant price (just my opinion). A lot of posters on this forum seem to like it.
There is a lot of good info. in R RN
BSA under the heading of this forum.
Here’s a link to some great info. about colon cleansing and PB shakes:
PTree's Famous Posts on Colon Cleansing and B&P's
BSA by Tracey
If you are interested in Candida cleanse you might want to check out Humaworm’s
parasite cleanse website. Most products used for candida cleansing use the same ingredients as
parasite cleanses. There is a lot of general information about parasite/ candida cleansing and the ingredients used at
. This product is much more affordable than parasite/candida cleanse products I’ve seen in health food stores, and it has a great support forum.
I hope you find some of the info you are looking for at these links. Take care - Kat