I hurt my neck 2 years ago in Bahrain (on Holiday) & upon arriving back in Aus. I saw my Chiro. for weeks. (He started an aggressive form of treatment which I hadnt experienced before & I ended up being Ambo'd to hospital & seeing the Neurosurgeon..he said "Im not operating cause you are too higher risk of being a quadraplegic" (I got a 2nd opinion & he said the same)!...My immune system dropped & ended up getting a form of Menningococcal as well. To cut a long story short it took me about 4 months before I was feeling well enough to do normal things again slowly. By the 6th month I was jogging on a mini tramp for 2 hours a day!! But I overdid it...and wont try that trick again!
Now 2 years down the track I reinjured my neck 10 weeks ago again. :( I tried physio & acupunture for 6 weeks but the pain wasnt improving. My doctor told me the only way of fixing it is by operating & he would send me to an orthopedic surgeon this time..(I havent seen anyone yet). Ive been too sore most days. It just feels like Im attached to an eletric fence down both arms/neck/shoulders & Im taking it VERY easy & still trying to keep the movement flowing & doing minimal exercises until it settles & wearing a soft neck collar to keep my posture straight.
I know from 2 years ago that it will settle but its soooo slow each day is such a challenge. When I hurt it 2 years ago I spent a fortune on expensive vitamins & glucosamine etc & didnt find any relief.
My Naturopath told be that the core of my Vertabrae need strengthening & Im taking organic Silica tablets for that. Im also taking about 20 bottles of homeopathic drops. Im taking some wonderful herbal drops for the nerves to reduce inflamation (she just mixed them & dont know whats in them)..(I was getting so sick from all the pharmaceutical products & my bod was screaming out for Natural remedies).
My Naturopath told me about a guy she treated who had spurs in both shoulders. He had surgery to have them removed...& then they grew back OUCHHH.. thats when he visited my Naturopath for help! She said it took him about a year before they disappeared naturally with all her potions & primarily the Silica vitamin C, magnesium with potassium & diet. He was taking tablets for an Stomach Ulcer that was meant to grow spurs & drinking 10 litres of Coca Cola..Once he got off the Coke his stomach improved & off the tablets his shoulders are now fine with no spurs!
Yes I can relate to EVERYTHING you have said. I asked my Naturopath about something natural for the pain & she said there was nothing strong enough..I mean I wish there was something out there that was natural that I could rub on & had the same relief at Pethadine!! Some days are good ...some days are not good but Im not as bad as last month!
Im now wearing a Castor Oil patch on the back of my neck & see how that goes!
I hope you feel better each day!
P.S. The weather report here in Sunny Queensland, Australia.."Beautiful one day Perfect the next"! Hehehe Its pretty hot here now..