I have had ENT surgeory about 35 years ago due to deviation when I was 18 years old. One side of my nose is opened too much, and every breath I make is so dry, irritating, cold , and consequently painful. I can not explain how much life has been changed due to this as I can not focus for a moment since then
I live in Canada, I have visited numerous ENTs since then.
Some of them say they do not know, some of them say Vasomotor rhinitis, and few say it's atrophic rhinitis developed after surgeory.
Few months ago I found empty nose syndrome forum at
Which provides valuable information about side effect of the surgeory.
Now I am managing more than before to handle my problem. The best remedy for these problems are to force blood circulation to your mucusal membrane, to do this I learned the followings and I apply them regularly:
1. try not to use any lubricant, as any lubricant which is not soluble, will collect in your long and has bad side effects
2. do accupuncture. I know it cost a lot of money and the effect is not permanent.Which I could not afford to pay it for a long time.
I tried it for a month and I found the effect of it, and since I could not afford it, I discontinued it. In the website which I mentioned on the above there are articles, especially the one written by TE, he is very knowledgable, shows some points on your face to insert needles.
I went to an alternative doctor who is good in accupunctue and asked him to do as TE has shown. Now I apply it to myself for three times a week about one hour each session.
You can expand your knowledge in this regard and master it to apply to yourself in more locations.
3. I go to Sauna, three times a week and do energy therapy Reiki, on my self for two times. The effect of this is much more than accupuncture. The effects last for two to three days. of course after sauna I feel so much irritation, but gradually the irritaion will subside. After sauna you can do the followings, as I explained in paragraph 4
If you have someone who can do the Reiki on you is much more effective than you do it by yourself. I do not have someone to do it on me on a regular basis, that's why I do it by myself
4.Right after sauna when I come home I either do another steam bath(fill a pot with half liter of water with some cayenne pepper or chilli, and massage my face for 200 times, and then keep one nostril closed and breathe from the other nostril for minimum 100 times, then i alternate it.
5. At least do the item 4 once a day after you get up. After doing it since you are wet from the sweat, take shower and try to do meditation, I do TM, for 20 minutes every day. NOw I have switched to another meditation which is free and much more effectvie than TM(Transcendental Meditation)
6. I have tried all salines, they are not effectvie. The most effectvie one is to get MSM powder, one tea spoon in one quart of clean water. This quart of water is enough to wash your nose of about 8 times.
Fill about 1/3 of cup with this. Then use syringe to pour this solution into your nose.
I have tried all sort of nasal saline, as well as all the machines sold on the intenet. The above I described is very cheap and inexpensive and more effective.
7. Use MSM oral, multi vitamins, vitamin c
8.use inversion technique. This forces more blood circulation into your nose.
For this you do not need to buy any machine. I just put my hand under my head and flip my feet upside down for 2 to three minutes. You can do this once a day or more often.