Hi Anja,
I was taking anything from a tablespoon up to nearly half a cup of olive oil a day. Usually around a quater of a cup or a little less.
I never felt nauseous from it and I took it separately from the juice. It wasn't so hard for me, because I love olive oil and have found a great brand here in Australia which is beautiful! Other brands are very hard to take though!!
If I were doing the fast again I think I would do it more or less the same, except I would use distilled water which I still don't have! I have done vegetable juice fasts in the past, and this is just my opinion, but I don't think they are very good, compared to fruit. I would also like to try a long fast on pineapple juice in the future if I feel like it. Vegetables don't give me any feeling of transformation and lightness like fruit does, if anything I found they slowed me down. Fruit on the other hand makes me feel full of energy and as if I am transforming and moving forward. I think MH is right when he says most vegetable are full of big fat inorganic minerals sucked up from the soil. This is fine for eating, but not great for fasting I believe, I know millions will disagree.
Since the end of the fast I have been ok, but not as fantastic as I was on the fast. I have had gallbladder problems all my life, and they have not disappeared with the fast, I have had 2 attacks since the fast, and I think due to too much lemon juice some tooth enamel was eroding, and I had leg cramps. That is all the bad stuff. The good stuff is that I have maintained some sense of inner peace that I gained on the fast, and apart from the GB attacks I have felt pretty good. I have come to the conclusion that food robs everyone of energy, and if we could attune ourselves to nature perfectly our requirements would be so minimal and our energy sooo great that we wouldn't recognise our own inner worlds or perhaps our outer bodies. I miss the fast, it was fantastic!
I'm sure the fast effects everyone differently, and you just have to listen to your body and follow your intuition with something like this. There is no point in guilting yourself into it. You have to be excited and craving the opportunity to rejuvinate your body, mind and spirit, if you ask me, so just keep reading and asking all the questions you can think of and wait for the time when there are no more doubts and you find the thought of fasting more exciting than the thought of eating. Don't push yourself.
I had no bloodsugar issues on the fast at all. You are having juices every hour or so if you follow it by the book, so you shouldn't get to spaced out or shakey, and I imagine if you did you could just have an extra juice. MH says really weak people can follow the OJ with a carrot juice if they wish (I wouldn't personally, but I am not in that position). You may find your blood sugar regulates after a few days of fasting.
One thing I would do if I fasted again is keep a journal from day one, with weight, ph and number of juices and amount of olive oil.
Good luck!!