i've got to get seroius about this.
i am getting really depressed.
my mind goes back and forth between "fasting" and "diet and exercise".
i've got 40
pounds of fat to lose.
if i were to "diet and exercise", i'd lose 1 or 2
pounds a week, that means it will take 20 to 40 weeks, or 5 to 10 MONTHS... that's almost a year.
if i were to "fast", it could only take as little as 20 or 40 days... that's just about a month.
i want to fast.
i believe that i need to abstain, through fasting, from food so that i can have that time to reestablish my relationship with food.
if i were to diet and exercise, i'd have to automatically try to establish a new relationship with food. it's like throwing myself to the lion.
in the past? neither have worked for me. and after a while, my mind starts to tell me that i'm hopeless.
today i looked in the mirror, and could not recognize the woman on the otherside. the only thing i coudl think of, was that it was the reflection of the "new me".
but i don't want that to be the "new me"... i have something else in mind.
off i go again to start tomorrow, sunday - may 28th...
universe give me strength!