Up to now we've focused mainly on birthdates. But what's in your name?
The first name, the name you go by, is similar to your sun sign. It is your ego, how you like to present yourself to others. There are two sides to the first name however, the total of the vowels and the total of the consonates.
"Y" can be a vowel or consonant. If it follows a vowel, it's usually a consonant. If it's the only vowel, it's a vowel. Pythagorus thought we had a choice when we had a Y, and encouraged numerologists to total the numbers each way - vowel and consonant.
The middle name is your quiet self, who you are when you're alone, how you like to retreat and regain balance after busy times.
The last name is what you inherited from your family.
Taken all together, your name is your destiny. All the vowels stand for your soul vibration, all your consonants equals the outer personality vibration.
Other things you can do to your first name is take a look at the very first letter and very last letter, which are very telling. The first letter is what we come in as, it's our cornerstone. Sometimes you should take into consider the first two letters if they combine to make a single sound.
the last letter of first name is what we go out as, it's another pendulum swing much like our challenge numbers. IF the first and last letter are the same, those vibrations are heightened and the potential for destruction or fixation increases.
"David" for instance comes in and goes out as a 4. This means Davids will be great or terrible at structure, organization, planning, timeliness. They may excel in one area but totally fail in others. Chances are they'll have problems with self-identity or understanding others.
Feel free to share your first name for a short mini reading! :)