Hi Devoira,
I have Pancreatitis. I've had it for over 30 years. My first several years I was so sick I should be dead. My story is fairly long and don't want to post such a long message so I am going to kep it short.
I know a lot of these people say they flush and have success, maybe they do. But ...
What they don't tell you is that high doses of Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) can be fatal.
Magnesium is an essential mineral the body needs for the regulation of heart beat and more. So is potassium and calcium. But, just like an overdose of potassium can kill you (postassium chloride is used in lethal injections for example) an over dose of magnesium can do the same. Flushing the liver may be a good thing but I sure as hell wouldn't use Magnesium Sulfate in the amounts these flushes call for.
People say they get sick, nausea, vomiting and such from the flushes, hell, it's no wonder!
They are lucky they didn't kill themselves. And ...
If you have already had ONE Acute Pancreatitis episode consuming that much oil could very easily trigger another episode of Acute Pancreatitis. I'd no more swallow a 1/2 cup to a cup of olive oil (or any oil) than I'd jump from a perfectly good airplane WITHOUT a chute.
You can do whatever you like. But be advised ...
1) A magnesium sulfate overdose can kill you
2) That much oil at one time could easily trigger an Acute Pancreatitis episode that leads to necrotizing pancreatitis, internal bleeding, organ failure and death - a very painful death.
I'm not a doctor, in fact I have very little respect for MOST doctors because of my experieces with them but there are good ones out there who care more about YOU than money. I know cuz I have met TWO (2). Granted they are very few and far between but they are out there. And what I was leading up to is that ...
IF it were me, I'd find either a very good surgeon (for gallbladder removal) or some other way to remove those gallstones and I'd NEVER use the doses of magnesium sulfate or oil that proponents of flushing advise people to use, especially someone with panc. Doing so is ...
Asking for death! And ...
I didn't even touch on the possibility of gallstone obstruction, due to flushing, and the resulting Acute Pancreatitis episode.
I am someone who backs EVERYTHING I say up with research.
One of the resources I use for "research" is PubMed.com.
Go to pubmed.com and plug in "gallbladder flushes", "liver flushes", "flushes using epsom salts, grapefruit juice and oil" and you will get NOTHING. Now the significance of this is that PubMed.com publishes research done on almost anything of any sort of value or any possible value in regards to healing or curing disease. It doesn't matter whether the "potential cure" is herbal, natural or synthetic (prescription drugs), they research it (if there is potential) and publish their findings.
If flushes had any value there would be research published some where other than on boards such as these or on websites of those who promote flushes - there is absolutely NONE.
Do what you like, it is your body, but, you need to go in with your eyes wide open and backed by scientific research or at the minimum common sense. And common sense tells me that flushing can kill you from to much oil since you are a previous pancreatitis victim and if that doesn't help you to push up daisies an over dose of magnesium sulfate just may be the ticket!
Good luck!
The Health Guy